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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Zelda director wants to surpass OoT

"You realize my post was about how OoT did not reformulate Zelda like LttP did right? I mean come on dude..."

Nobody claimed that. They meant playing the game in a new way.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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OoT was the peak of the Zelda series and it is highly unlikely a new Zelda game will surpass it in the near future.

Bring it on. Surpassing Oot will be hard work, but well worth it.

Currently playing: Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks and Red Steel.

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Valkyria00 said:
haxxiy said:
M rated Zelda would do the job... but just in Wii HD

I know huh. It should also be FPS and Link needs facial hair........nothings more hardcore than facial hair.

He would ressemble Aragorn then. But I don't think it would be a good thing.







WessleWoggle said:
ymeaga1n said:
They will never surpass OoT because part of what made OoT amazing is that it made the jump to 3D, and they did an awesome job of it. There is nothing revolutionary that they can do to make surpass OoT.

Kinda like FF7.

Ever heard of 4-D and 5-D? Link could travel through time and to alternate universes...

Damn already happened on Majoras Mask and nobody cared.




What about Chronno Trigger? First 6-D game  and nobody ever remember that.






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Nobody remembers chrono trigger or majoras mask?



As 4/5/6-D games, not really :D






MaxwellGT2000 said:
Gnosis said:

Game Directors should always want to better the work they have done in the past.

I'm actually starting Twilight Princess from the beginning again today. I haven't finished the game, i dont know if I even got half way, but I left it for a long time and kind of forgot the plot. So I'm looking forward to starting that. I just finished Super Mario Galaxy 100% (Spoiler??: Got all 121 stars with both Mario And Luigi :D)I'm trying to get through some games before christmas.

Anyway, I feel I'm going to enjoy TP more this time around. And I look forward to future Zelda games.


The ending is nothing short of epic, I really don't know why people are kinda cheesed and say OoT had a better ending, both are great in their own right but man you can't get better then the ending of TP for me, it's mostly the presentation but the presentation of TP overall is the best in the series.

I wouldn't say it's THE best, but it's definitely up there and certainly one of THE best.  As much as I liked Majora's Mask and WindWaker, I felt that Twilight Princess surpassed them both.  Why?  Because both of those games, while creative and fun, felt somewhat short for Zelda games, and TP provided for something much longer and more compelling.  THere's many moments from the game that I really love:  the Wolf Link/Midna confrontation, the Zant scenes, the Twilight Palace, the Boblin chase... those were some of the more epic moments in the Zelda franchise.  That said, I wouldn't be surprised if the next Zelda Wii does something revolutionary.  As for surpassing OoT, that may be an impossible thing to do since that game set a new benchmark for the series.  It will be interesting to see though what Aonuma can cook up.


For its time I don't think OoT will ever be surpassed by a any Zelda game.

I personally think Wind Waker is the best Zelda, but Ocarina of Time was ground breaking back in 1998. It can never be the same again. And i don't think any step could be as big as 2D->3D.

But yeah, I'm totally in for a fresh Zelda on Wii =)

iFlower7 said:
For its' time I don't think OoT will ever be surpassed by a any Zelda game.

I personally think Wind Waker is the best Zelda, but Ocarina of Time was ground breaking back in 1998. It can never be the same again. And i don't think any step could be as big as 2D->3D.

But yeah, I'm totally in for a fresh Zelda on Wii =)

But one may hope that, through the power of madness givn only to artists, that they may come up with something better.