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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So what is a "hardcore" gamer? And why must we really define it?

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Does anybody have Microsoft or Sony tattoos? I don't think those would have the same effect as a Nintendo tattoo.


well, my mate's got the circle, square, triangle and X tatooed on his knuckles.

I didn't ask to see his Nintendo one(s) though, because I don't know where he's been.


Proud Sony Rear Admiral

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The Ghost of RubangB said:
So you (the ones who call yourselves hardcore) are trying to start a some sort of culture war between worthy fans and unworthy fans of your hobby?



*Runs out of the office, arms up in the air screaming "Hardcore!, Hardcore!, Hardcore!" knocking over casual gamer co-workers


Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


I'd posit that the definition of hardcore and casual is based upon the amount of time devoted to the playing, discussing or thinking about the hobby that we call gaming. I also think the type of game played is NOT integral to that definition.

I don't think that that means that everybody who owns a Wii is casual or that everyone who owns a 360 is hardcore. I DO however think that given the approaches of Microsoft/Sony versus Nintendo, that the gamer demographics would SKEW that way.

I'd also bet if you are spending time tracking and discussing the sales of consoles and would be included in the "hardcore" market.

@op: Good times -

Hardcore games are games made for the Hardcore gamers like for example Gears of War 2 it doesn't mean it will not attract casuals aswell.

Everyone in this site is a hardcore. (Yes, Mike, specially you). Casuals just don't give a damm about "the industry". They buy a Wii in the same way the buy a new TV. It's entertainment.

Now, there is this kind of hardcore gamers who are very funny. This guys think that since they know so much about the industry and they are such a good customers Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony should REALLY listen to them. After all, only them know what is and what is not a Good Game. They feel part of some sort of powerful secret cool society. They even have some traditions to keep and protect.

Don't you find hillarious statements from self proclaimed proud hardcoregamers like " ... the end of gaming as we know it", refering to the rise of the Nintendo Wii? This guys think they are prophets with the duty to announce the end of the world of gaming!

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The Ghost of RubangB said:
Does anybody have Microsoft or Sony tattoos? I don't think those would have the same effect as a Nintendo tattoo

Had to ask, didn't you?

@ mike_intellivision - When people say "hardcore" game they really just mean games they like, and when they say "hardcore gamer" they mean people like themselves. Ignore any long over-written criteria people throw at you, it’s just people trying to justify their choices to their self. They all bottom-line to "Hardcore games are the ones I play!". Take Dodece's definition for example.

"A hardcore game would be a game with complex rule sets, and with content in excess of fifty hours on average. That would probably meet the criteria of most hardcore gamers."

Looking at his Gamertag, he plays mostly Sandbox action games and RPG's with occasional shooters on the 360. His definition is for the games he plays and presumably enjoys most often.


It's a badge of honor and supposably a way to say that one system is better by saying, "My system is better because it is for hardcore gamers," and something to argue over when one says "your system of choice doesn't have a lot of hardcore games."

The term hardcore has two meanings. It can mean something that is difficult or something that you can do better than others by demonstrations of your skills ie. pure arcade games that have always been more about points than stories because of your skills and dedication to the game. Or it has a another connotation, but thankfully games like ******'* ******* aren't taking up spots on sales charts or coming soon to XBLA.

One who spends more time on blogs than games is probably a hardcore blogger rather than a hardcore gamer.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

Oh! and we really should define what it is a hardcore gamer so we know what the hell are we discussing about! But since definitions may be too wide open, specially mine, maybe we should come up with some new ones!

Soriku said:
gebx said:
All rated M games are Hardcore games
All E for Everyone games are for casuals

Everything in the middle just doesn't exist!!


I will use this argument next time I argue in a KH3 thread! ;)

Actually, everything in the middle does exist as long as your talking about RPGs.

OT: To me it just seems hardcore translates to brown/gray FPSs with good graphics. That's pretty much how everyone who think they're "hardcore" makes it out as. Oh, and what Kasz said too.

Me? I'm just a gamer.


Yea right~

I mean, IIRC, your About Me on User Profile used to state "I'm a hardcore gamer! I liked to play...". But, now you changed it to "I'm a gamer!" lol. Very fake. No offence. I'm just saying. I find it rather amusing. You're very inconsistent, kid. So, what is a hardcaore gamer, again? :)


BTW, my first post ^^

The movie The King of Kong is one example of hardcore gamers. Athenewins on Youtube who(m)o set the world record for being the first person in the world to reach level 80 on WOW is another. Basically, if you are the best person at a particular game then you are a hardcore gamer.

Heavens to Murgatoids.