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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Castlevania Judgment Thread

damnit...I gotta test out these counter..I could never pull it off when sparring with for Death...I won't spoil his hyper..but it's difficult to land..

kind of like Aeon..and Carmilla's is fast like hell....
idk...need a combo to keep them in the air (looks at holy water)

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did anyone else here even PLAY the game?

Dude, have you played the game recently? Did you tried the counter move? Also, I've been reading a lot that the game is unbalanced, do you agree with that?

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

I played it..counter just a regular move but coming out of the dodge..I know

as for imbalance..every fighting game IS imbalanced..none are perfect

this game is balanced..that means..the imperfections are few and far between.feel cheated?

use a saves your ass easily also:

I made a combo with trevor..90% damage

deathcape said:
I played it..counter just a regular move but coming out of the dodge..I know

as for imbalance..every fighting game IS imbalanced..none are perfect

this game is balanced..that means..the imperfections are few and far between.feel cheated?

use a saves your ass easily also:

I made a combo with trevor..90% damage


Exactly my thoughts. Every fighting game has a "most powerful" fighter that's very difficult to beat, but with practice everything is possible. I think most of this complaints are from people that is still not good enough or hasn't learned everthing about the gameplay yet.

Anyway, have you finished the game with every character? I'm learning to play with Alucard now, and man it's more difficult to play with him than Simon, and his combos are shorter  (or I still haven't learnt how to make a big one yet)

90% with Trevor?

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

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lol yeah..Alucard is a bitch..with him it's ALL about timing..and spacing..

keeep moving..charging moves..see opening unleash..start to attack

he's hard to use

and yes..there's always a bit imbalance..this game is not as imbalanced as F.E: Super Smash Bros Melee..

that was SUPER imbalance...yet EVERYONE loved it..right?

as for Trevor perfect timing needed


you need perfect timing..once you throw holy water don't pause..immediately attack, or you won't make it to hyper..also..if you try a 3d time, the holy water will hit him in the face, wich results in no juggling, but instant drop to the ground in blue flames...

so...I can't make it 100...I tried


I main Alucard atm as in he's my easiest character to win with.

Online I'm totally hating Dracula and Aeon players, they all seem to love this run away till I can land a hit thing. It's always the same 4 characters too: Aeon, Death, Shinoa and Dracula. When I see them pick those characters I counter pick a small stage and beat the ever loving snot out of them if I get the stage. Like seriously this one guy ran from me the entire match till he hit me with his special and won by time both times, the next match I got the Castle Gate stage and double perfected him no special used on my end.

But that's how the game is, if I can't beat a runer I just pick Shinoa and spam her charge special tll they decide to attack me, then I do her tilt-attack and cancel into her tilt-special back into her neutral then tilt-attack off of a juggle and cancle that into a jump then fires from heaven thing she does.

Alucard is really not that hard though, its just that he has problems or I have problems chasing people with him, My best tactic is just teleoporting while charging the special attack till I get close enough, then I do the tilt-special and cancel it into a jump and do the charged special in the air.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

ah I see..still he can't combo as much..and I don't like this..

Aeon was my main..figured too many people would use him..choose Death..damnit..even more people..

I love both Aeon and Death..but I don't play hit&run tactics..and spam long range shit..

you can jump from Death's for NOT get far away...or pick a sub-weapon that flies in a straight fast sword....

you could counter pick Aeon with Grant or Cornell..since he can't counter them..and they are both pretty good at fast long range moves (telelport and knives for grant)

Carmilla does wonders..just pull them back

why Aeon cannot counter Grant or Cornell?

Castlevania Judgment FC:     1161 - 3389 - 1512

3DS Friend Code:   3480-2746-6289

Wii Friend Code: 4268-9719-1932-3069

he can, but timing is way harder...and Cornell and Grant both have great counters: you can't counter his ground slash thing..that green effect

nor grants projectiles....

it's safer to block or dodge alltogether..wich eliminates time stop spams and both have teleport moves, wich means he cant run and spam hyper..

also..Carmilla pulls people back and is pretty damn fast