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Forums - Sony Discussion - Planning to buy a PS3

80 gb is more than enough. but i recommend the 160 gb free Uncharted and Dualshock 3.

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I finally did it!! I bought a PS3 along with Little Big Planet and Uncharted and I'm pretty impressed. And having a lot of fun.

Play my LittleBigPlanet level: Mystic Runner. Thanks!

Usul said:
I finally did it!! I bought a PS3 along with Little Big Planet and Uncharted and I'm pretty impressed. And having a lot of fun.


 Welcome to the 7th gen.

wow congrats.....hope to see you online on LBP!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

great choice and congrats im impressed also


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get 80 GB and use the rest for games




oh,,,i guess im late,,, Congratz

don't forget :
motorstorm 2
Resistance 2
prince of persia
burnout paradise
ratchet and clank




Did you get the 80?

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



Yes, the 80 gb. And both games are great!

Play my LittleBigPlanet level: Mystic Runner. Thanks!