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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Leave it to Apple to make a Microsoft product better lol

as taken from this article:

They took the slide tray out of an iMac and put it in a 360 and VOILA! Chances are the DVDs didn't get eaten anymore. Wonder how much work it took to get that in there

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Simply put, I'm impressed. Where can I get one?

Pixel Art can be fun.


$1000.00, but you get an apple logo sticker!!

apple blows. i crash macs with ease just using maya on it. i crash ipod touches just looking at it. why do i continue to own these things and by them as gifts? well i'll tell you why,because i feel like an elitist rocking my apple stickers and gear.

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Never Try said:
apple blows. i crash macs with ease just using maya on it. i crash ipod touches just looking at it. why do i continue to own these things and by them as gifts? well i'll tell you why,because i feel like an elitist rocking my apple stickers and gear.



I hate apple..I've had three ipods break on me so I went and bought a zune 120 gig.

They will probably do this for the slim model.


Wow, thats actually a really good idea. Heres to hoping Squilliam is right.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Squilliam said:
They will probably do this for the slim model.


 probablly... I wish both 360 and Ps3 slim come out at the same time. I want to see how the compare. (if one comes out before the other by the time the other one comes out i wouldnt care anymore)