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Forums - Sales Discussion - EA Sports’ Peter Moore On The Struggle Of Selling Sports Games To Wii Owners

i like the all play stuff they did. what i think they are and no one else is accounting for is not everyone buys madden or another franchise year after year after year no matter if there is new things added. i mean for example if someone bought madden 07 they might think about getting 09 but more then likely will get madden 10. then the ones that have already bought madden 08 wont buy until either madden ten or eleven and like myself i wont buy another madden for a few years cause there really isnt much of a jump between years all that there is is roster chamges.

dick cheney loves me, he wants to take me hunting


mkwii code- 1977-0565-0049

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Legend11 said:
I think EA should stop trying to push their core sports games like Tiger Woods PGA on the 360 and instead turn to far more casual sports games. Like a very well designed mini golf game or little league baseball game.



Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

Thing is, it isn't really a struggle to sell sports games on Wii. Just the "authentic" sports games, as Moore calls them.

The traditional sports games are being disrupted more quickly than practically any other segment. That's why not just EA, but Konami and 2K are giving special treatment to Wii versions of their sports games. Although Moore was very smart to protect the traditional EA Sports brand with the "All-Play" label, on the Wii that labeling has backfired. It has chased away any traditional sports gamers, while doing nothing to help attract people looking for the "pick up and play" family experience.

Meanwhile games like Deca Sports, Sega Tennis, We Ski, Big Beach Sports, and of course Mario and Sonic at the Olympics, are selling amazingly. If it was a case of "Wii Sports being good enough for a lot of people," why are there a bunch of non-traditional sports games outselling the EA Sports big guns?

The fact is, Wii Sports, Deca Sports, Big Beach Sports and the rest are all vastly superior games to Madden or FIFA... At the job of providing a fun experience that anyone can be competitive in without a large investment of time. The changes made for All-Play aren't enough to make Madden or FIFA competitive along those lines.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

trestres said:
Legend11 said:
I think EA should stop trying to push their core sports games like Tiger Woods PGA on the 360 and instead turn to far more casual sports games. Like a very well designed mini golf game or little league baseball game.



How is Golf more "hardcore" than American Football? That makes no sense at all. I play Golf a lot, but mainly most Golf players are soccer dads.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

RolStoppable said:
johnsobas said:
it's kinda strange how 07 sold well for a launch game and 08 sold quite well and improved a lot on 07, but then 09 is stagnant and sells the same as 08 the first 2 months. It seems to me the whole all play thing is backfiring on them.

I completely agree with the All Play label backfiring.

Like BrainBoxLtd said, the different cover is probably giving a lot of gamers the impression that they are looking at a simplified version, not a real simulation of the sport they are looking for. EA Sports is clearly sending the wrong message.

Agreed.  The All-Play thing is rediculous.  It's as if they made "Madden: Carnival Games Edition".


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Alot of people in this thread are in agreement, the cover and title changes were not effective.

...Based on this you'd think they used a focus group or something to help in this area. Me personally I bought Madden, but had my reservations for the same reason everyone stated the boxart turned me off. far as madden goes i just hope they grown it, I know it's going to take time as the game comes out every year, but any growth is good.

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

Wii, only profitable for Nintendo, confirmed...

Some quick thoughts.

VGChartz data shows that Madden 09 and Tiger Woods 09 are not up to 08 levels on the Xbox 360 -- so these games take a while to sell.

VGChartz data shows Wii Tiger Woods 09 to be the top-selling version -- so some people buy games regardless of the label.

Not everyone wants to buy essentially the game each year.

Madden 08's touchy controls may have made people shy away from Wii 09.

Tiger Woods 09 getting the highest reviews may have made multi-console players buy that version instead of/in addition to an HD version.

FIFA competes with PES. And PES 2008 has a great Wii engine (now just if it had more teams). You can pick up and play very quickly. It is the most enjoyable video game soccer experience I have ever had.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


Legend11 said:
I think EA should stop trying to push their core sports games like Madden on the Wii and instead turn to far more casual sports games. Like a very well designed mini golf game or little league baseball game.


Or how about a golf game that just focuses on being a good sim? I think if they released Tiger Woods for the Wii that was simply a high quality golf sim that allowed you to play on famous courses they could sell more than every version they have released for the wii so far combined.


The thing is that many sports games, and golf especially have all sorts of things going on to distract the player from the fact that all he is really doing is button mashing. These artifacts aren't needed when you have motion controls and in fact distract from the experience with motion controls. What is needed are controls that actually feel like you are playing the actual sport.


lenardo1 said:
for me, i haven't bought either, but

its the "all play" tagline

makes people thing it is not the "real" version of the game.

in my opinion

keep the covers the same, keep the name the same

madden 2010 ps3/360/wii no madden 2010 all play wii

same covers, same CONTENT (ie all modes in all games) continue to add a bit more into the wii, to build marketshare, make the wii version the definitive version content/gameplay wise and it'll sell better.

I agree with this 100%

You want to sell more, Call it the same thing.

Stop labeling things with "Party" "All-Play" "Family" for these particular games. The EA games can still be all those things... just put it on the back of the box =)

It may work for other titles but the EA core Sports games should LOOK LIKE the best damn sports game you can buy, and not a watered down edition... even if they aren't watered down at all.



Predictions For Last Full Week of Sales in 2010)

WII - 80.35 Million

360 - 43.88 Million

PS3 - 41.40 Million

More terrible predictions coming Jan. 2011!!!