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Forums - Sales Discussion - You got to hand it to Microsoft

OK, many people at first were saying oh microsoft cuts the price and only out sells the PS3 by like 50k or something and only for a couple of weeks they were able to outsell it. Now we see that the 360 has been outselling it in others for quite sometime and the sales are icreasesing by a lot more then the PS3 right now.

So i got to say great job Microsoft =)

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

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Everstar said:

OK, many people at first were saying oh microsoft cuts the price and only out sells the PS3 by like 50k or something and only for a couple of weeks they were able to outsell it. Now we see that the 360 has been outselling it in others for quite sometime and the sales are icreasesing by a lot more then the PS3 right now.

So i got to say great job Microsoft =)



Microsoft has been lucky because the financial crisis and the resulting recessions (regardless of whether they have happened or happen) have made the 360 relatively more appealing than the PS3 than what would be the case during normal economic times. The price of the PS3, given current economic conditions, is an absolute killer and any price differential between it and the 360 is only magnified. To what extent they were aware of this I'm not sure, but its entirely possible that a good deal of their success against the PS3 over Christmas is the result of a little bit of luck.

Debating with fanboys, its not
all that dissimilar to banging ones
head against a wall 

Stop all that patting on the back for M$, jk.

Yeah, alot of people were snickering at the sales of 360s, after the initial bump, but my point was this:

- M$'s cut was LONG overdue, and late for expectation, so it wasn't like they did it out of desperation
- The cuts would have an initial effect, but the REAL effect would come during the holiday season, not necessarily during the period right after the cut.
- There's a reason it's called Black Friday, and the key is to make sure you're poised to deliver serious deals.

360 has a VERY strong line-up for the holiday shopping opening salvos, and I fully expect to see this year handily topping last.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Indeed, the shift has been pretty amazing. People went from "It'll go back to the way it was soon..." to "Will the 360 beat the PS3 for 2008?"

To be fair, the price cut numbers before adjustments didn't look too impressive. I'm still surprised the gap is as big as it is, it's shocking. I'll probably have a 360 soon myself, +1 to the lead for the holiday season. $200 is hard to pass up on.

This is a big breakthrough for MS. These sales would be less important if they were in NA, but EU is the fastest growing market for video games and MS was in serious danger of losing it to Sony.

Sony is going to have to respond, I think. They might weather this holiday season to pursue profitability and wait for the financial crisis to settle down a little, but when the next big PS3 system seller comes along (is it GT5? I can't keep track), I think they'll have to cut prices to move hardware. The Blu-ray boost has long since run out of gas.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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congratz MS ,,,they did great.economy and weak us dollar also helped them.

I just hope Sony also drops the price at the begging of the next year to at least become more competitive .PS3 is still the most expensive gaming platform in the history  for a 2 years old console.




I just wonder what their financial statement will look like after all those price cuts...

MS loves to Cockblock Sony. they're the dirtiest player in the industry. but hey, anything to win. 2009 is gonna be interesting.

famousringo said:
This is a big breakthrough for MS. These sales would be less important if they were in NA, but EU is the fastest growing market for video games and MS was in serious danger of losing it to Sony.

Sony is going to have to respond, I think. They might weather this holiday season to pursue profitability and wait for the financial crisis to settle down a little, but when the next big PS3 system seller comes along (is it GT5? I can't keep track), I think they'll have to cut prices to move hardware. The Blu-ray boost has long since run out of gas.

I highly agree, sony needs to get their gears moving if they are to beat microsoft now. If microsoft takes EU from Sony, that leaves Japan. And we all know who owns that country, thats DS and Wii lands. No one treads there safely; They need to strike some deals with developers and get some exclusives heading to their console.

Maybe think out of the box, Blizzard hasn't made a console game in awhile. One could ponder the impact a blizzard-exclusive game would have to the PS3. The point is that GT5, Uncharted 2, God of War 3 will be good titles. But that simply isn't enough to take on microsoft. Heaven forbid Microsoft has a few more tricks up its sleeve.

As for the Blu-ray boost, yeah. It is gone, PS3 is a great blu-ray player. But 2 years since its release? Cheaper, and just-as-effective blu-ray players have entered the market. Blu-ray was a great boost to PS3. But now, its simply not pulling in the numbers it used too.

Why must JRPG female leads suck so bad?

the financial situation is crippling sony. as of now there are many excellent reasons to buy a ps3, but that damn price is difficult to justify. personally, i already own both a 360 and a ps3, but if i didn't, it would be a tough decision on which one to pick up. today, i clearly would not buy both of them.