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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - What 360 games should I get for the Holidays?

Well, the holidays are almost here and I am wanting to get some games for my 360.  I have $150.00 to spend on games, and I am wanting to fill out my consoles' game library.  Here are the 360 games that I currently have:  Bullet Witch, Tomb Raider Legend, Gears of War, Blue Dragon, and Grand Theft Auto IV.  I would like to try to get a game from each genre, so I have divided up my choices as follows:


Bioshock, The Orange Box, Halo 3, Gears 2, or Call of Duty 4.


The Lost Odyssey, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Tales of Vesperia, or Mass Effect.

Action and Platformers:

New Prince of Persia, Assasin's Creed, Ninja Gaiden II, Dark Sector, Kameo, or Banjo Kazooie.

     Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I should pick from these lists or recommendations for other games that I might have left off or overlooked?

Heavens to Murgatoids.

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If I would recommend my top three they would be Mass Effect Tales and Bioshock....

Former something....

If you enjoy saying WTF WTF after shooting a guy 4 times with a shotgun, I recommend gears2. =)

Action adventures: Kameo (if you can find it for 10 bucks).
Shooters: The orange box if you didn't have played Portal and HL2 yet, bioshock if you want a great singleplayer game, GEOW 2 if you like to play countless hours online and don't want to be called a fake X360 owner because you don't have the game yet....COD 4 is a great game aswell (damned this is hard).

If you are into WRPG's => Mass Effect or Fallout 3 (depends on how much you want to spend. JRPG's => Tales of Vesperia.

You missed Fable 2, in case you might want to get it.

I bought a 360 on amazon two days ago but I haven't gotten it yet, so I can't exactly recommend you any games. I do know that my friends seem to love Gears of War 2 and Banjo-Kazooie.

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Dead rising

Sandbox heaven.....!!!!!!!!!!!

Castle crashers for new school peeps

Streets of rage 2 for old school peeps

Both great

I enjoyed the Portal demo that I played on xbla last week.

Do you need to have played Fable I to enjoy Fable II?

Heavens to Murgatoids.

Halo 3, Fable 2, Banjo Kazooie