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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Math of Undertracking

nephel said:

Sarbanes-Oxley governs the content of formal financial statements, like quarterly and year-end reporting and SEC filings.

One more thing. The statement above is actually incorrect. GAAP rules determain the content of the formal financial statements.


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

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amirnetz said:
ioi said:
Or that there is a lot of stock in place ready for christmas...

No. Not that much. 465K is about what the 360 sold in all of October in “Others”– and this would be just the increase over the regular inventory so altogether it would be about 2 full months of channel inventory. We are talking early November still and the retailers have a long way to go to the busy season. Stocking the shelves and holding so much inventory so early and spending so much capital makes no sense.

Moreover, the discrepancies showed up much earlier – in the September earning release of Microsoft it was apparent that the VGChartz 360 numbers were very off for “Others”.




amirnetz said:

VGC puts the Q3 sales of the 360 sales on 1.85M.  Microsoft reported a for the same Q3 period sales of 2.2M units.

Before I continue, I am anticipating the immidiate claim/excuse of "VGC counts sold to consumers units and Microsoft counts shipped to retailers units so you cannot compare".

BS. I can compare. Unless there is any compelling evidence that the retailers had increased their in-store inventory, we must assume that the amount of in-store inventory is fairly constant with small flactuations and therefore  "Shipped" is pretty much the same as "Sold to consumers".

So after this is settled, we can do the math and see that VGC undertracked the 350 WW by 350K units or about 20%. Not great, not too bad. So it seems.

But there is a problem. a big one. NPD reported for the quarter USA retail sales of 747K for the 360. Adding the customary additional 10% for Canada gives 823K total for the Americas based on NPD. VGC was counting 880K for the same period. Very close and we can split the difference and put total Americas sales at 850K for the quarter.

Japan sales for the same period are at 116K based on VGC/MC.

So together Japan + Americas together are totaling 966K for the period.

So this means that Microsoft sold 2,200K - 996K = 1,204K units in "Others".  This is far above VGC estimates of 854K units in "Others" for the period.

So VGC was undertracking Microsoft in "Others" by over 40% for a full quarter!!!

Just as significant is the fact that "Others" totaled 40% more than "Americas", which is at odds with VGC assertion that Americas and Others are about the same sales volume for the 360.

These big sales of the 360 in others corresponds very well with Microsoft claims of a substantial increase in sales in Europe following the September price cut. 

So you guys were off by about 40% already at the end of september - this is not a Xmas problem.



Amirnetz, this guy is the boss, show some respect.


Also, show some respect to my lover, her name is mathematics and you will treat her better than you were in that post


No one's perfect at tracking everything.

SpartanFX said:

don't be so concerned with under tracking,,,,when the financial report for this quarter comes out ,it will say how many they have SHIPPED ,so usually subtract that from 1 million(which is usually the number of consoles sitting on the shelves WW)and if that number needs adjustment , ioi does it fast.

I am not concerned. I just enjoy the discussion and the banter

As I wrote somewhere above, ioi is within 2% of the real numbers. Very commendable. 

Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

One small question why does Europe start sooner than America? Is it similar to our Black Friday or does our Black Friday actually slow our holiday sales by a week?

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-

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ioi said:

Lol? So 2m in the channel is unreasonable but 1.5m is fine amirnetz? Hmmm

I have no issue with your scrutiny but I have already told you that your assumptions are wrong.

OK. I think I figured out where the numbers started to go wrong and trouble me. This is actually pretty interesting if you care about the math.

It is the beginning of June 2008 and VGC is reporting the Xbox Europian LTD sales to stand on 5.2M. 

Console X360
UK 2,237,946
France 745,226
Germany 500,487
Spain 351,309
Italy 423,488
Scandinavia 389,518
Other Europe 638,598

5.2M was a clear VGC overtrack. Microsoft is telling us now that the EMEA LTD shipments by June were actually only 5M. Since some of the units were in the channel (~0.4M-0.5M) then the actual units sold to customers were really about 4.5M. This is significanty less than the 5.2M tracked by VGC.

In following months (July- Sep) VGC actually undertracked the Xbox causing me to raise the red flag in my October posting (finding the discrepency between Microsoft shipments and VGC tracking). As it happens, the summer undertracking by VGC actually compensated the prior overtracking until June and got it to a more accurate point at the end of September.

At the end of September VGC puts Microsoft on 21.27M units LTD WW. Microsoft reported 22.5M in LTD shipments for the same period. This means that VGC puts the channel inventory on 1.25M. That's 2.5 months of inventory based on the July-Aug monthly average. This would seem to be a pretty high number. Remember that the 360 also had this very sudden surge following the price cut at the end of September that would have depleted the inventories. Still VGC propose 2.5 months of inventory left.

Anyway - that's where the problem begins. The WW sell-though at the end of September should have been higher, probably by about 300K. In October VGC undertracked the 360 in the US by about 100K (compared to NPD) and these 100K + 300K from before would explain the gap between my math and ioi.

So yes - I do believe that the math suggests that the sell through for the 360 should be about 300K-500K higher. But as suggested above by SpartanFX- this will clear up when we get the official shipping numbers from Microsoft in January (or if they will be nice to continue to provide on going shipment numbers during December).

Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

Could you please link to your sources when you say that MS said that EMEA shipments by June, and all of that other things? Generally, these things are just tiny mistakes, but that get some pretty big causes to your logic and conclusion.

Thanks in advance.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

ioi said:
if a company says they have shipped over 5 million that doesn't mean exactly 5 million have been shipped, could have been far more than that. Our sell through numbers are solid through Europe. I think the problem is that you take statements made by pr men too literally...

You may want to read my other posts on public statements from companies on that detail their business performance.

The short story - they cannot lie about business performance. It is illegal. When Microsoft reports that at least 2M units were shipped in EMEA between June and Nov 19th then it is the truth. If June was actually more than 5M (and therefore they sold less than 2M since) then they are creating a false representation of their business performance. This is is illegal and they could be held liable.

Companies may cherry pick the business performance numbers they are using in their PRs. But whatever they report is matching their books.


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

amirnetz said:
ioi said:
if a company says they have shipped over 5 million that doesn't mean exactly 5 million have been shipped, could have been far more than that. Our sell through numbers are solid through Europe. I think the problem is that you take statements made by pr men too literally...

You may want to read my other posts on public statements from companies on that detail their business performance.

The short story - they cannot lie about business performance. It is illegal. When Microsoft reports that at least 2M units were shipped in EMEA between June and Nov 19th then it is the truth. If June was actually more than 5M (and therefore they sold less than 2M since) then they are creating a false representation of their business performance. This is is illegal and they could be held liable.

Companies may cherry pick the business performance numbers they are using in their PRs. But whatever they report is matching their books.


You mention he might not have read your other posts, yet you clearly didn't read the many posts that state where you are wrong about this in regards to media announcements. They don't have to be 100% perfect in a media announcement, so they can and do round off numbers.

That and I don't think you read my post where they had 4m in the channel in January of 2007.

ioi said:

Lol? So 2m in the channel is unreasonable but 1.5m is fine amirnetz? Hmmm

I have no issue with your scrutiny but I have already told you that your assumptions are wrong.

Mid November is just about the worst time of year for you to try to make this argument - if you look at sales vs shipment trends over the last 5-10 years you get the same pattern again and again - that stock is at a high at this time of year. Manufacturers stuff as many units into the channel as they can (2 - 5 million isn't unreasonable, especially when you are selling maybe 1/3 of that per week in the cases of say Xbox360 and Wii at each end) so yeah why you think 2m is high whereas 1.5m would be perfectly fine baffles me. In Europe things start to ramp sooner (this week vs next in America) as well fyi. I expect maybe 3/4 of a million 360s to be sold next week with Black Friday and probably a similar amount for the next 4-5 weeks so 2m stock really doesn't seem like much when you put it in that context.

The trends are the same every year, it's not rocket science!

It is for some people...