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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Bleszinski: Epic still has a few 'tricks up their sleeve'

Garcian Smith said:
Shadowblind said:

Hell, it made Gears 2 look like the prettiest and one of the most action packed console game yet made, so I say if adding another layer of graphical polish makes Gears 3 look like Crysis 2, then by all means do it!



The other day I stopped on the street and stared at a mud puddle. It was totally pretty. Prettier than every painting I've ever seen.


We get it, you don't like Gears.  Actually contribute or just go away.

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Oh, believe, he'll contribute as much as you like, when another "mud puddle" (grey this time), hits the market.
But it will be called KZ2 and will be on PS3.
Oh, the hate.
I honestly believe that some guys, just can't enjoy the games anymore. Hate and fanboyism can't allow that.
On topic, Gears 2 just proved that current gen console are far more capable than what we ever imagined.
I'm looking forward from the next big step (KZ2) to prove to some guys that their 400 euros PC upgrade was not necessary...

nice, it will be interesting to see exactly how much better epic can push the 360. but if thier is any 3rd party studio who can push the 360 to limits we thought it couldnt go would be them.





Yea baby@!

Garcian Smith said:
Shadowblind said:

Hell, it made Gears 2 look like the prettiest and one of the most action packed console game yet made, so I say if adding another layer of graphical polish makes Gears 3 look like Crysis 2, then by all means do it!



The other day I stopped on the street and stared at a mud puddle. It was totally pretty. Prettier than every painting I've ever seen.

Seriously, go do something productive.  I mean, stop trying to use the standard PS3 fanboy excuse and play the game.  Unless you're retarded, you'll see what we see.


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Squilliam said:
Actually being serious now, Microsoft did some nifty updates to the SDK so hes probably speaking truthfully.


The Unreal engine is also not optimised for the 360, it's a ported PC engine. By the time Gears 3 is well underway there may be a new version of the engine available as well.

However one would suggest that Epic have made enough profit on the Gears franchise to perhaps consider making their own custom built engine for the franchise, but I guess there are downsides to that option. I'm sure they like their current profit margins.

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

i hope they improve the gears 2 online before they make any new games.





Infamy79 said:
Squilliam said:
Actually being serious now, Microsoft did some nifty updates to the SDK so hes probably speaking truthfully.


The Unreal engine is also not optimised for the 360, it's a ported PC engine. By the time Gears 3 is well underway there may be a new version of the engine available as well.

However one would suggest that Epic have made enough profit on the Gears franchise to perhaps consider making their own custom built engine for the franchise, but I guess there are downsides to that option. I'm sure they like their current profit margins.

Pretty much it goes like this.

Microsoft: Here have these multicore programming updates and the tessellation SDK to go along with it, as well as some other goodies. Oh an btw, Tessellation is going to be in the next console as well so better prepare now.

Epic: We wanna make the final game even bigger and more badasser! So we'll take that Tessellation engine and do our very best to use it in the next Gears game which at the same time updates the Unreal engine for the end of this generation and the start of the next generation.

Cliffy B: Give me MOAR!!!

