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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Best Buy STOCKS UP for Black Friday (rows/stacks of consoles and games)

Best Buy stocks up for Black Friday

November 24th, 2008

Check out more pics here


wow is any best buy near you looking like this?

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Holy wow. Just for the record, why is Black Friday such a big day in electronics? Do they have sales or anything? I know, I'm out of the loop...

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

many stores have Big discounts on electronics,

This Friday is definitely going to be a huge blowout. Expect the wii to get in some amazing sales.


yeah you should have seen my best buy...literly hundreds of game systems piled up!

Around the Network

i really need to go to best buy to see it

Black Friday is an absolute orgy of consumerism.

Stores like Best Buy, Target and Walmart have particular incentive to purchase huge allocations of videogames this year...just because people don't seem that interested in anything else. So there is more of a need to draw people.

I think I saw a Black Friday ad earlier today where for 6 hours on Black Friday morning you could get a DS Lite, and New Super Mario Brothers for $136 (DS Lite costs $130, New Super Mario Brothers is still $30 most places) and thats the kind of deal that draws people to wait in enormous lines on Black Friday.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

i cant wait for the black Friday line cutter fights

TheSource said:

Black Friday is an absolute orgy of consumerism.

Stores like Best Buy, Target and Walmart have particular incentive to purchase huge allocations of videogames this year...just because people don't seem that interested in anything else. So there is more of a need to draw people.

I think I saw a Black Friday ad earlier today where for 6 hours on Black Friday morning you could get a DS Lite, and New Super Mario Brothers for $136 (DS Lite costs $130, New Super Mario Brothers is still $30 most places) and thats the kind of deal that draws people to wait in enormous lines on Black Friday.


 the "door buster" specials are the 6 hour ones and they are usually gone in 1... doors usually open early in the morning (like 5)

so is anyone going to do some video game shopping during black friday?