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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony: "No Plans" for March PS3 Price Cut

A lot of people here are so obsessed with the "console war" that they forget that Sony's goal is not to finish second, but rather to make money. Sony can't afford to keep losing money on every hardware sale, but they can afford to finish third.


If they could afford a cut in March, they would probably be able to afford it now (when it would do more good). So don't expect one in the first half of 2009, and don't be too shocked if the price stays the same all through 2009.

Around the Network

No price cut in March 09? maybe it's going to be earlier... :P

Does the fact that it looks like LBP, Resistance 2 and MotorStorm 2 will all sell well below expectations hamper Sony ability to drop PS3 prices. These were 3 1st party titles that were expected to bring in far more sales than it looks like they will. This is alot of revenue/profit that Sony was hoping for.

Will this delay a price adjustment?

Its libraries that sell systems not a single game.

dolemit3 said:
Price cut in March confirmed then.


 This, lol


There will definately be a price cut in early 2009, not necessarily in March. Maybe Feb or April.


Around the Network

There will be.

Of course you deny it. You don't want to stagnate sales.


SpartanFX said:

i personally think they will cut the price around 9th of February 09.

I kinda have a feeling that they want to do a huge ad campaign for KZ2 around that time so they can use the same money to advertise for both the price drop and their huge game.

but that's just my feeling.Feb 09 price cut effects will not effect their fiscal year results that much as it only will apply to 2 weeks in that fiscal year.


If Sony cuts price in February, they will piss off hundreds of thousands of people.  Everyone who would have bought a PS3 around the Holidays would feel cheated out of $50-100 bucks (whatever they drop the price too).   Unhappy customers does not make for large software purchases.


This is one of the main reasons, I don't think a price cut will happen before June 09.  Even if it did, do you seriously think Sony would announce it this Christmas?  That would all but stop sales until the pricedrop does happen.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




they should make price cut as soon as possible.

Sony : There will be no price cut in March next year.

Reality : Price cut on Feb 28th 2009

ssj12 said:
amirnetz said:
Max King of the Wild said:
amirnetz said:

Careful here.

The standard response from a company is "we do not comment on rumors and speculations".

Here Sony went much stronger. They outflat denied it. If they are lying, it will come back to haunt them and kill their enterprise credibility. They know it and they are very careful with what they say. So if they denied it, you should assume they have a good reason to believe that what they said is true and they will not be caught lying.



 You're new so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt... lying is nothing new to companies. no this wont hurt their credibility. no people wont remember they denied it 5 months from now.

You are young and inexperienced so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.  Lying to journalist is something that every PR department in a corporation will avoid like the plauge. They will hide the truth, they will bend it, they will not answer the question, but the will not knowingly lie.

I know it is hard for you to understand it at such a young age, but here is how it works: the PR guys need the journalists and they need to maintain good working relationships with them. They cannot afford to burn bridges with them (which is what lying gets you in this business). They cannot afford to alienate them. They want to have many another conversations with the journalists in the next year.

So they don't lie. Instead they have a nice convention for whenever the situation is unpleasent: "we do not comment on rumors and speculations". Sony chose not to use the convention but instead flatout denied it. This means that they are sure there is no price cut planned for March. Maybe there is one planned for April, maybe even for February. But not for March, for sure.

Lesson is over. You can go home.



You realize Sony flatout denied the last price cut up to a week before it happened right? I think you have no clue what your talking about or how PR works...

^^ to build on what he said, they only said that there were no plans. That does not mean there wont be a price cut. Lying about there being "plans" for a price cut is .. well.. nothing ?


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