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Forums - Sony Discussion - A real or fake screenshot of uncharted?

I was just looking at system wars in another forum and a bloke posted some pictures of uncharted.Some of them like this one:

look amazing and definitely in game, but i was sondering if this one was:?

they posted it with the other in game pics but i dunno it looks kinda too real... but it might be in game?!

I have uncharted and dont remember that bit specifically so can anyone tell me if this is in game or not?

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Second pic is definitely fake.

fake... lol...

First 1 yes, 2nd one no

Did you resize these?

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The outside has bad graphics, God could really have learned from the good people at Naughty Dog. =P

yes i did as the originals mightve caused a bit of hassle loading etc but just look it up on gamespot and youll see the originals

yes the second picture is definitely fake

i dont know why he put it in there with the real uncharted pics, kind of ruined his argument lol

Read the URL of the second pic. The jpg is entitled "realwetrock". I don't think it's a screen of Uncharted, lol.