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Forums - Sony Discussion - Just got my ps3!!

That is great news... congrats man!!!

Consoles: Atari 5200, NES, SNES, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, Gamecube, Wii, Xbox 360, PS3

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i was looking at uncharted but i want some fun online multiplayer that doesnt have guns or a first person view. i played the pure demo on 360 and i liked it a lot, i just want to know if its headset compatible?

ill get uncharted and RS2 in december.


ECC said:

i was looking at uncharted but i want some fun online multiplayer that doesnt have guns or a first person view. i played the pure demo on 360 and i liked it a lot, i just want to know if its headset compatible?

ill get uncharted and RS2 in december.


 You like online games you should really try Warhawk.... its great fun... I just don't have my Ps3 connected to the internet because I don't have a long enough cord and no wifi.... or else i'd play the bi-weekly games with the vgchartz members...

Twesterm you honestly believe LBP wont break 1.5 million by this years end?



hey can somebody send me a friend request just so that i can see how it works?


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dude u need to get little big planet mgs4 resistance 2 right now or im going to shoot you

i already have mgs4 it came with the console. i want to play already but im holding out till thursday. oh and i just upgraded my netflix to blue ray! first blue rays i will watch are 300,blade runner and hellboy2



You need to watch Iron Man on blu-ray..

i prefer the Dark Knight.



yeh download both the pure and motorstorm 2 demos, see which one u like more. NOTE-when you first play motorstorm 2 you get frustrated cause you crash a lot and the AI isn't too kind to anyone, ex- if your driving a bike they try to run u over for sure. but once you get used to it you love it

personally i like motorstorm 2 more cause of its more challenging, but thats my opinion, its up to you