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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I (finally) bought a PS3 game...

twesterm said:
SamuelRSmith said:
^Hehe, I'm a lefty, too. The only thing I get problems with is the DS.

I'll give the cache clearing a try... though that means venturing into the *gulp* spare room... (where my 360 is located, as it's the only room outside of mine and the lounge with a screen worth playing on... my brother's inhabited the room, it's become real dingy).


DS games are always the worst.  Even ones that specifically accommodate to lefties can still be awkward (I'm looking at you Geometry Wars).



I know exactly what you mean!

Fun fact about my family: 3 of the 5 immediate members of my family are left handed. As well as both of my dad's parents. I think there are high levels in extended family, aswell.

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I made the mistake of buying it on ps3 back when i was a total ps3 fanboy when i bought my 360 i grabbed it again to see what all the fuss was about and theres a big diffrence.

Barozi said:
Reasonable said:
Barozi said:
SamuelRSmith said:
I don't understand why you bought this, I really don't. So many other games, of the same genre, both of higher quality (on consoles) and popularity, and some even exclusive to the system.

Orange Box is shit on both consoles. 'nuff said.

I own The Orange Box for PC AND for 360. I can tell you that you should better shut up.

Just look at the Metacritic score. Nuff said

Why do you have both versions? Particularly when (although the 360 is good) the PC version remains miles ahead.

1. Achievements (in every game)

2. My computer had some problems with Episode 2

3. Xbox LIVE friends

4. great games and I'm proud to own Valve games

5. I love playing games with a controller (cause I'm damn good with that)


Seems reasonable...

I really love Half Life but I couldn't play it on a console after playing on PC.  Just doesn't feel the same and the graphics aren't as good (I know this is spec reliant but my PC outperforms 360 so for me it has to be on PC).


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Reasonable said:
Barozi said:
Reasonable said:
Barozi said:
SamuelRSmith said:
I don't understand why you bought this, I really don't. So many other games, of the same genre, both of higher quality (on consoles) and popularity, and some even exclusive to the system.

Orange Box is shit on both consoles. 'nuff said.

I own The Orange Box for PC AND for 360. I can tell you that you should better shut up.

Just look at the Metacritic score. Nuff said

Why do you have both versions? Particularly when (although the 360 is good) the PC version remains miles ahead.

1. Achievements (in every game)

2. My computer had some problems with Episode 2

3. Xbox LIVE friends

4. great games and I'm proud to own Valve games

5. I love playing games with a controller (cause I'm damn good with that)


Seems reasonable...

I really love Half Life but I couldn't play it on a console after playing on PC. Just doesn't feel the same and the graphics aren't as good (I know this is spec reliant but my PC outperforms 360 so for me it has to be on PC).

I think the graphics aren't that important with a game from 2004..., but I wouldn't play the old version of Half-Life 2 on the XBOX ^^

You should really put some research into your games purchases before you make them even if it's a little bit , i'm pretty certain 10 minutes of googling would have revealed many of the issues surrounding the port.

Shame you didn't start of with a PS3 exclusive game.