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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I (finally) bought a PS3 game...

So i finally bought "The orange box" for the PS3 over the weekend. Played some Team Fortress 2, It ran in 720p and the online wasnt that great (major lag issues) so I decided to take it back to Gamestop and exchange it for the 360 version. in the 360 version this game runs in 1080p and the online experience was so much better. I thought the PS3 was suppose to be so much more powerfull than the 360?

Albion - Its Fun as Ballz !!!!!

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I don't understand why you bought this, I really don't. So many other games, of the same genre, both of higher quality (on consoles) and popularity, and some even exclusive to the system.

Orange Box is shit on both consoles. 'nuff said.

Two words, Electronic Arts...

SamuelRSmith said:
I don't understand why you bought this, I really don't. So many other games, of the same genre, both of higher quality (on consoles) and popularity, and some even exclusive to the system.

Orange Box is shit on both consoles. 'nuff said.


 Well that would be your opinion on the game. Many people dont think Portal is a shit game, or Half Life 2. I bought this because if has 5 games for 19.99 and I do enjoy playing TF2...

Albion - Its Fun as Ballz !!!!!

Orange Box better on 360? Sweet jesus....when did this come out? I haven't known about this for since the game came out. Oh wait.....I did. Apparently you need to do more research so you won't be so "surprised"


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Torillian said:
Orange Box better on 360? Sweet jesus....when did this come out? I haven't known about this for since the game came out. Oh wait.....I did. Apparently you need to do more research so you won't be so "surprised"


 I am not gonna waste time researching an old game when I can easily exchange it in the store. Just posting about my purchase.

Albion - Its Fun as Ballz !!!!!

Derixs said:
SamuelRSmith said:
I don't understand why you bought this, I really don't. So many other games, of the same genre, both of higher quality (on consoles) and popularity, and some even exclusive to the system.

Orange Box is shit on both consoles. 'nuff said.


 Well that would be your opinion on the game. Many people dont think Portal is a shit game, or Half Life 2. I bought this because if has 5 games for 19.99 and I do enjoy playing TF2...


 I don't think Portal is a shit game... I love it. Half-Life 2 is one of my favourite games of all time. Those games are just shit on consoles.

Awful loadtimes, awful fps, awful controls, and TF2 is so limited compared to the PC version (lacking maps, achievements, and weapons)

Seriously, that was one of the worst ports ever

Why have you not bought Uncharted?

The Orange box wasn't 1080p on either console as far as I recall.

One of the oldest Members of the site.

DJames said:
The Orange box wasn't 1080p on either console as far as I recall.


 Not natively, no. But the 360 has a scaling chip to allow for 1080 display on screens that don't support 720... well, that's its intention, but lots of people who have 720 screens still use it, for some reason.