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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Lionhead announces Fable 2: Knothole Island (Premium DLC)

CaptDS9E said:
Vlad do you even own Fable II?


Nah, he doesn't. He claims to have a room mate who owns it tho...

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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Bitmap Frogs said:
CaptDS9E said:
Vlad do you even own Fable II?


Nah, he doesn't. He claims to have a room mate who owns it tho...


As always, no point of buying it or a 360 when I'm living with people who do for the next 5 years. But no, I spent no money on this game, nor will I not personally spend money on the DLC and all that. However I do play these games, and the fact that a company pulls bullshit like this, and it's not just Lionhead, always irks me. If you want proof go to the Starcraft II trilogy thread and you will see that it doesn't matter who does it, I don't like it, and Blizzard is one of the two companies which I basically worshipped.

As for content, I doubt that content from a company who has yet to release a great game, and the game in question was rushed to market, will come even close to 10 dollars' worth considering it took Blizzard full 12 months to bring us an expansion pack worth $25 (if we're continuing the LoD example, there's plenty of others). Even if you throw out the argument that the game was finished by september, there were a lot of bugs, and co-op hadn't even been done, to stamp out since they "finished."

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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vlad321 said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
CaptDS9E said:
Vlad do you even own Fable II?


Nah, he doesn't. He claims to have a room mate who owns it tho...


As always, no point of buying it or a 360 when I'm living with people who do for the next 5 years. But no, I spent no money on this game, nor will I not personally spend money on the DLC and all that. However I do play these games, and the fact that a company pulls bullshit like this, and it's not just Lionhead, always irks me. If you want proof go to the Starcraft II trilogy thread and you will see that it doesn't matter who does it, I don't like it, and Blizzard is one of the two companies which I basically worshipped.

As for content, I doubt that content from a company who has yet to release a great game, and the game in question was rushed to market, will come even close to 10 dollars' worth considering it took Blizzard full 12 months to bring us an expansion pack worth $25 (if we're continuing the LoD example, there's plenty of others). Even if you throw out the argument that the game was finished by september, there were a lot of bugs, and co-op hadn't even been done, to stamp out since they "finished."


Yes we all know you won't spend any money on filthy console games, you are always with your pc>consoles arguments. /yawn.

He's been particularly fierce on Fable 2 albeit he's been chucking spears at LBP as well.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Bitmap Frogs said:
vlad321 said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
CaptDS9E said:
Vlad do you even own Fable II?


Nah, he doesn't. He claims to have a room mate who owns it tho...


As always, no point of buying it or a 360 when I'm living with people who do for the next 5 years. But no, I spent no money on this game, nor will I not personally spend money on the DLC and all that. However I do play these games, and the fact that a company pulls bullshit like this, and it's not just Lionhead, always irks me. If you want proof go to the Starcraft II trilogy thread and you will see that it doesn't matter who does it, I don't like it, and Blizzard is one of the two companies which I basically worshipped.

As for content, I doubt that content from a company who has yet to release a great game, and the game in question was rushed to market, will come even close to 10 dollars' worth considering it took Blizzard full 12 months to bring us an expansion pack worth $25 (if we're continuing the LoD example, there's plenty of others). Even if you throw out the argument that the game was finished by september, there were a lot of bugs, and co-op hadn't even been done, to stamp out since they "finished."


Yes we all know you won't spend any money on filthy console games, you are always with your pc>consoles arguments. /yawn.

He's been particularly fierce on Fable 2 albeit he's been chucking spears at LBP as well.


I've been chucking spears at Diablo III and Starcraft II as well, but then again you must have missed those. I also did an honest folow-up to LBP, but you must have missed that one as well. I got shio quite mad with the D3 and SC2 hate. Fable II in particular got most of my hate because of the hype and the blatant rushing and false promises that only Molyneux could make. I really despise that man and imho he shuold have retired after Populous.


P.S. I did buy a wii back in the day, however I left it to my brother since we have one here anyways and he enjoys playing it quite a lot.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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vlad321 said:

I've been chucking spears at Diablo III and Starcraft II as well, but then again you must have missed those. I got shio quite mad with those. Fable II in particular got most of my hate because of the hype and the baltant rushing and false promises that only Molyneux could make.


P.S. I did buy a wii back in the day, however I left it to my brother since we have one here anyways and he enjoys playing it quite a lot.


Oh yes, all fear your mighty internet rage. I'm sure the people at Lionhead and Microsoft would appreciate your message... maybe put your effort where it matters?

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

Around the Network
Bitmap Frogs said:
vlad321 said:

I've been chucking spears at Diablo III and Starcraft II as well, but then again you must have missed those. I got shio quite mad with those. Fable II in particular got most of my hate because of the hype and the baltant rushing and false promises that only Molyneux could make.


P.S. I did buy a wii back in the day, however I left it to my brother since we have one here anyways and he enjoys playing it quite a lot.


Oh yes, all fear your mighty internet rage. I'm sure the people at Lionhead and Microsoft would appreciate your message... maybe put your effort where it matters?


Well I'm only here in between load times of my games or while doing my homework/studying so really, this is more of a diversion than an effort.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

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Honestly massive subscription service titles have little cause to charge consumers for expansions. They almost universally divert subscription service revenue to an expansion. Basically they are steeling from their customers whom they overcharge anyway. Then the expansion generates hundreds of millions in secondary benefits. The expansions increase consumer retention, and attract no customers, or even lapsed customers to the game. Which they must in turn pay subscription fees for.

When someone gives me World of Warcraft as an example I want to hurl. They do not have any reason to charge for the expansion. Subscription fees paid for most of it, and its presence makes them a lot of money in the area of subscriptions. Basically it is unadulterated greed. They only do customers a disservice.

I find stand alone DLC for non massive titles much more acceptable. They only have one way to generate profit, and that is off of the sale up front. They actually need the money they have nobody to bilk. Whether it is worth the price is always debatable, but it is far less reprehensible. I have seen good DLC, and I have seen bad DLC.

Bring down the sky was good DLC. Not only was it a hour of play upfront, but it does enhance replays of the game. So for five dollars I got more then my moneys worth. This I am not so sure of you can purchase the original Fable for about that price. I am also beginning to become more interested in the GTA DLC which is looking to be massive.

"Fable II in particular got most of my hate because of the hype and the blatant rushing and false promises that only Molyneux could make. I really despise that man and imho he shuold have retired after Populous."

Then we would not have gotten the fantastic Fable 2, so I'm glad they don't listen

vlad321 said:

Well I'm only here in between load times of my games or while doing my homework/studying so really, this is more of a diversion than an effort.


Effort too much huh? Just a little venting and whining around... start your own blog?

In the meanwhile, anyone knows when we'll get more details on the DLC?


Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

I don't agree with the expansion packs to MMOs much either considering they are already paid, but fees do pay for content added after releases as well, so they go straight towards the salaries of the development team on top of the upkeep costs.

I did like the BDTS of ME, but I still felt kind of cheated on the price. There were entire modules up for NWN that were free and some provided hours of play. Some of BioWare's own modules gave us more for cheaper (Infinite Dungeons gives you random generating dungeons suited to your level and the main part takes 20 hours to finish, all for $8).

Fable 2 is what Fable 1 should have been minus the graphics, it wass a great game, but it got overshadowed the very next week with FO3, where in my 35hours of play I didn't spend even a minute playing mini-games or dealing with a weak "economy."


That's the point, I'd have to spend time and effort in upkeeping a blog, time outside of loading times and schoolwork which is beter spent playing or even better, getting wasted over at my friends'.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores: