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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Lionhead announces Fable 2: Knothole Island (Premium DLC)

My initial impression is one of being underwhelmed. This actually reeks of stand alone. Which is tragic, because it would be fun to incorporate new elements into the larger world. Three dungeons cordoned off in a small section of map with a few nearly worthless items does not encourage me.

Seriously a weight loss potion is the last potion I would actually want. A characters weight is hardly a issue due to the fact that nobody needs to eat, and to remedy weight all one needs to do is eat celery.

No I say give me a potion that allows my character some real transmogrification value. Give me a potion of youth, or give me a potion that turns my character into a Balverine. Hell a never ending supply of gender bending potion would be fun. Let me bend my spouses, or give me a potion that lets my children grow up. So many possibilities are available.

I could care even less about the boots, gloves, and book. They seem to be entirely worthless items. Those are not going to accentuate my experience. This actually seems disappointing. The simulation element hardly seems to be a component of this package.

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@ dodece, in many fights I just pressed left to eat quickly, and so my character became extremely fat, so I would appreciate a weight loss potion

Kyros said:
What the hell is "Premium DLC". When I was young this was called an "Expansion pack" and DLC like horse armor was called "Crap that nobody with half a brain buys".


Agreed. It's also interesting how this expansion is coming out so soon after the release, especially considering how short the main story was. I mean what has happened when they are charging 250 points for an effing dashboard theme? I mean... Really?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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If you only played the main story, then you missed a lot of the game. I for one can not wait for the expansion, and wish more companies would release these more frequently. Bioware announced similar plans but only delivered one expansion since release for Mass Effect.

CaptDS9E said:
If you only played the main story, then you missed a lot of the game. I for one can not wait for the expansion, and wish more companies would release these more frequently. Bioware announced similar plans but only delivered one expansion since release for Mass Effect.


I think you fail to understand my question. Why is this beign released now instead of being in the game to begin with? Most of the recent DLC should have either been in the game to begin with or saved up for a proper expansion pack later on, which would be more bang for your buck as well.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


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vlad321 said:
CaptDS9E said:
If you only played the main story, then you missed a lot of the game. I for one can not wait for the expansion, and wish more companies would release these more frequently. Bioware announced similar plans but only delivered one expansion since release for Mass Effect.


I think you fail to understand my question. Why is this beign released now instead of being in the game to begin with? Most of the recent DLC should have either been in the game to begin with or saved up for a proper expansion pack later on, which would be more bang for your buck as well.

I agree, I know they are trying to get people playing their game over christmas, though I don't understand why. People are buying new games now, and they are more likely to be interested in DLC when they have more time to play after the rush of releases is over

About the Mass Effect DLC, I enjoyed Bringing Down the Sky, but I would prefer that they release 2 in 2009 over any expansion packs

Glad to hear it. I've already spent 30 hours with my single character in Fable and look forward to spending more.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

Sounds good.

But I already traded this game in.

But if you still have it, 800 points seems like a good value.

One of the oldest Members of the site.

Munkeh111 said:
vlad321 said:
CaptDS9E said:
If you only played the main story, then you missed a lot of the game. I for one can not wait for the expansion, and wish more companies would release these more frequently. Bioware announced similar plans but only delivered one expansion since release for Mass Effect.


I think you fail to understand my question. Why is this beign released now instead of being in the game to begin with? Most of the recent DLC should have either been in the game to begin with or saved up for a proper expansion pack later on, which would be more bang for your buck as well.

I agree, I know they are trying to get people playing their game over christmas, though I don't understand why. People are buying new games now, and they are more likely to be interested in DLC when they have more time to play after the rush of releases is over

About the Mass Effect DLC, I enjoyed Bringing Down the Sky, but I would prefer that they release 2 in 2009 over any expansion packs


They are just miliking people who are either willing to be milked or just gullible. It's just interesting to see all this DLC phenomena from a PC gamer standpoint. Most of the stuff that's DLC is usually free community creations, and when a developer comes out they make sure I'm getting my $20-$30 worth in full. No i'm not bashing consoles, I'm just trying to explain what my PoV is.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


vlad321 said:

They are just miliking people who are either willing to be milked or just gullible. It's just interesting to see all this DLC phenomena from a PC gamer standpoint. Most of the stuff that's DLC is usually free community creations, and when a developer comes out they make sure I'm getting my $20-$30 worth in full. No i'm not bashing consoles, I'm just trying to explain what my PoV is.


lol dude.

PC devs never release expansions and customers never buy them. Rite?

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).