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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What your favorite gaming console?

My favorite gaming console is pc

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This particular topic has, shall we say, "been done to death..."?

My favourite is PS3 - always.


Squilliam said:
My favourite is PS3 - always.

I knew it!

Mine's also the PS3.



xbox 360 rox my sox!

Around the Network


don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

PS2, since the question was missing a verb I decided to answer "what was your favorite console" and am therefore answering my favorite console I've ever had.


Resident_Hazard said:
This particular topic has, shall we say, "been done to death..."?


 Agreed, but since I'm here... I like all all the consoles but..

Wii is my favourite by far.

The 360 is good too. Love me some Vesperia.

I don't have a PS3 though. =[


Playstation 3 60GB. It's also a PS2 and PS1. Free online, blu-ray, home, VOD, web browser, HDMI, PSP remote play, etc.