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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What would happen in the console war if the PS3 got discontinued?

I can see Sony discontinuing the PS3 when they release the PS4. It is more likely that Sony tries to start the next generation much earlier than expected.

If Sony did plan on exiting the console business they would sell the Playstation brand to another company.

If this thread is truly focused on what would happen in a 2 horse race between Nintendo and the 360, I think you would find both systems splitting Sony's market share. Personally, I would play my Wii and enjoy my next gen gaming on my PC.

Look at the financials for EA, Konami, Namco, etc and tell me the impact of Sony getting out of the consle business. The Playstation platform accounts for anywhere between 60% - 95% of their revenue.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



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xbox fanboys (not fans,but the microsoft worshipers) would have an orgasm.

kungfusqurrel said:
if ps3 got discontinued sony will still be making games for whichever console they see fit, sony games like killzone, granturismo, jakdaxter etc, etc will be licensed on the 360, wii or whatever console is available and they will still be making tons of money.


I love reading all these peoples fantasies. it's great

Someone else said it already.If Sony stopped supporting the PS3 the Wii and 360 would see a small burst then gradual increase in sales. Developers however will move strong support to the Wii. Say about 60%. Then the videogaming industry would move on.

Though the PS3 will not go away. If however this happens again withe PS4. Then I would count it up that Sony will leave the arena.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.