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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What would happen in the console war if the PS3 got discontinued?

I do have a feeling that the PS3 may be discontinued later on. It is obvious that Sony has messed up their chances with the console and all (refer to this: ) from the start. I still don't see the PS3 selling as it should. I mean, everyone last generation always talked about the PS2 and all the great games it has, and then were hyping the PS3. Then when the PS3 released with its games or was announced with the price it had, people went silent on the console. I never hear anyone speaking about it out in public, not even the games. All I hear is the Wii or the X360 with their games, nothing about the PS3, but some stuff on the PSP. It's pathetic. I only hear PS3 stuff when I go onto gaming forums like this one. Other than that, the PS3 seems dead to everyone I know of, including me.

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It would never become clear as to how this would affect Wii sales, as the Wii would still be selling out. It may look as if nothing happened, unless Nintendo dropped a bomb and started pumping out three million units a month. I don't think they would.

The idea of it causing a crash is interesting. How would that happen?

Khuutra said:
It would never become clear as to how this would affect Wii sales, as the Wii would still be selling out. It may look as if nothing happened, unless Nintendo dropped a bomb and started pumping out three million units a month. I don't think they would.

The idea of it causing a crash is interesting. How would that happen?

A crash in the games industry is a possibility IMO. It could cause cancelled projects and a lot of lost revenue from cancelled PS3 ports. Then again, it's possible games would still sell in the existing PS3 userbase, who knows?

One thing's for sure, it would cause some panic among the third parties who are relying on the PS3+360 combination. I don't think a discontinued platform can remain a valid one for long (unless it has a really big and dedicated userbase). It's just not clear what the end result would be for those third parties.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

So it's more a matte of third parties possibly keeling over and dying? I would hope not. The install base for the PS3 is big enough to make it viable for the projects already scheduled for it, surely.

wot if someone buys PS3 division.. like Apple, Samsung or Google. (just throwing names around)

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Khuutra said:
So it's more a matte of third parties possibly keeling over and dying? I would hope not. The install base for the PS3 is big enough to make it viable for the projects already scheduled for it, surely.

Actually I wasn't clear enough. Some people already think the industry is on its way to a crash. I haven't checked the situation lately, but a few months ago I remember a chart which showed that many publishers aren't profitable during this gen. Something as big as a discontinued platform would certainly not help and could accelerate a crash.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

If that will happen, I quit gaming, FOR GOOD! And I'm dead serious. PlayStation quit, I quit too!

And to say this... this thread is total "retard". What else would you expect... hah?

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

NJ5 said:
Khuutra said:
So it's more a matte of third parties possibly keeling over and dying? I would hope not. The install base for the PS3 is big enough to make it viable for the projects already scheduled for it, surely.

Actually I wasn't clear enough. Some people already think the industry is on its way to a crash. I haven't checked the situation lately, but a few months ago I remember a chart which showed that many publishers aren't profitable during this gen. Something as big as a discontinued platform would certainly not help and could accelerate a crash.


Ah. Yes, that's true, and as an exacerbation of an existing trend I can see that turning out badly. Hopefully they could manage to turn that around, though.

It's funny. In another thread I said that Nintendo doesn't need third parties to move consoles, but it never occurred to me that this might actually be tested.

*~Onna76~* said:
If that will happen, I quit gaming, FOR GOOD! And I'm dead serious. PlayStation quit, I quit too!

And to say this... this thread is total "retard". What else would you expect... hah?

That reminds me, another consequence would be an increase in the number of irrelevant insults at online gaming forums.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Sorry. I can't focus on replying to this argument seriously because the idea is far-fetched to say the least.

This deserves to be in off-topic moreso than gaming since this is mind-numbing speculation.