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NJ5 said:
Khuutra said:
So it's more a matte of third parties possibly keeling over and dying? I would hope not. The install base for the PS3 is big enough to make it viable for the projects already scheduled for it, surely.

Actually I wasn't clear enough. Some people already think the industry is on its way to a crash. I haven't checked the situation lately, but a few months ago I remember a chart which showed that many publishers aren't profitable during this gen. Something as big as a discontinued platform would certainly not help and could accelerate a crash.


Ah. Yes, that's true, and as an exacerbation of an existing trend I can see that turning out badly. Hopefully they could manage to turn that around, though.

It's funny. In another thread I said that Nintendo doesn't need third parties to move consoles, but it never occurred to me that this might actually be tested.