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I do have a feeling that the PS3 may be discontinued later on. It is obvious that Sony has messed up their chances with the console and all (refer to this: ) from the start. I still don't see the PS3 selling as it should. I mean, everyone last generation always talked about the PS2 and all the great games it has, and then were hyping the PS3. Then when the PS3 released with its games or was announced with the price it had, people went silent on the console. I never hear anyone speaking about it out in public, not even the games. All I hear is the Wii or the X360 with their games, nothing about the PS3, but some stuff on the PSP. It's pathetic. I only hear PS3 stuff when I go onto gaming forums like this one. Other than that, the PS3 seems dead to everyone I know of, including me.