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Forums - Sales Discussion - MS: We Did Near 3 Times the Volume of the PS3 in the UK alone last week.

mrstickball said:
colonelstubbs said:
Yeah, cos erm, the 360 isnt drastically cheaper than the PS3 at all is it

Do you want to blame Microsoft for this?

I don't think it's Microsoft's fault that they designed a system that was made to be powerful, yet affordable to the consumer, while Sony did the exact opposite (powerful, yet costly).

Microsoft made a lot of mistakes with the hardware - most namely the RRoD-prone first and second generation 360's (were at 4th gen now with Jasper). However, they still designed a system that could see drastic price reductions, and allow the system to both be financially viable (not lose MS money), but affordable for the consumer.


Yeah, they made a system that was affordable to the customer. Apparently it was so affordable that they felt that they had to make it cheaper than the Wii just to keep up with the PS3.

The $400 launch price was nowhere near affordable, and it really isn't even at mass market price right now. That would be $199. The Wii gets away with $250 because it comes with a game that people like. It's selling well now because of a combination of the holiday season and big game releases. Once January rolls around, those numbers will be right back to 50-70K per week.

Judging from their financial reports, I wouldn't say that hardware is making them any money either.






Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

Around the Network

with this momentum, 2009 will be the year of xbox 360, and have untapped potential too, :)

will leading multiplatform sales.

and more publisher and developer will bring more xbox 360/pc games only for 2009

Neos said:
colonelstubbs said:
Yeah, cos erm, the 360 isnt drastically cheaper than the PS3 at all is it

Price excuse isn't valid anymore sorry.


Yes, cause facts can be irritating, can't they.


lol at the people saying the price isnt valid anymore? what was the 360 doing before the price cut? getting outsold by ps3 in every place in the world!! even some of my most hardcore playstation friends were temped to get an xbox at £120 FUCKING POUNDS!



If it wasn't that big of a deal, then why did they have to do two price cuts despite already being cheaper than the PS3?


Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3

Around the Network

it's not the price guys, the 360 was beating the ps3 in Europe before the price cut, right?

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

The price thing is a joke. The Gamecube was the cheapest last gen and yet it got beat out by the other two. I personally know very few people who buy consoles based on price and the few that do usually just go straight to the Wii. Just looking at past generations, we know that the system with the best graphics or the cheapest system does not always win.

PC Gamer
psrock said:
it's not the price guys, the 360 was beating the ps3 in Europe before the price cut, right?


Well, price and Gears 2/Fable 2.

Anyway, yes, I also blame Sony for overcharging for their console, and refusing to cut the price despite it being unreasonably high in a time of economic recession.

For what the 360 delivers at that price and for what Sony that price....well I hate to use the word "deserve," but does Sony really deserve to win anything?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Meh. PS3's selling pretty well for it's price IMO.

4 ≈ One


lol at the people saying the price isnt valid anymore? what was the 360 doing before the price cut? getting outsold by ps3 in every place in the world!! even some of my most hardcore playstation friends were temped to get an xbox at £120 FUCKING POUNDS!


Price is important, but it's Sony's fault for being too expensive, not Microsoft's fault for being so affordable

Price also isn't everything, the Wii is a weaker system and is more expensive than the 360, yet it is dominating worldwide.

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience