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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Handheld SMACKDOWN Dec 18th in Japan (Tales vs. FF Dissidia vs. Suikoden)

I wonder about Gundam Musou 2 sales. I think it will sell on par with the first one, but not better.

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I think it's going to be lopsided with the PS2. I keep hearing people talking about how it's supposed to boost the PS3 hardware sales but I don't see how if it's coming out on a console most people already own in Japan. It's just like how Wii ports alongside the PS2 are still getting outsold like 3:1 over there, there's just no reason to jump on the new console bandwagon when you can get the same game, possibly cheaper, on a platform you already own.

Not to mention the people that got burned on the first Gundam Musou. It didn't sell nearly as much as expected so a PS2 port was the backup plan, screwing over all those peole that got a PS360 thinking it was the only source for the game...

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

This Suikoden will most likely bomb... Im not expecting to see it in the top 5 but who knows.... Tales... well that and Dissidia will probably battle for the top spot... the question is, are Japanese gamers ready for a FF brawler?

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Well, Brawl sold almost 2 million in Japan and Dissidia is basicly Square Enix version of it and while Final Fantasy is nowhere near as popular as all the Nintendo franchise combined it still pretty f*cking popular. The only thing I wonder is how well is a brawler is going to do on an handheld. What the the highest sale for such a game on an handheld this gen? I can't even think of one, but then again I am not a big fan of handheld console.

Persons without argument hide behind their opinion

Rei said:

Dissidia seems to be much more interesting game than ToH and Suikoden Tierkreis, I think it will sell the most out of all handheld games in December.


I´m with you. And not just because of the great fanservice, but because it will be a great brawler with lots of customization, lots of levels and multiplayer. I wish SE would do something similar on consoles. ToH is just another Tales, DS Tales weren´t good so far and I don´t like the way Suikoden is heading.

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Suikoden Tierkreis will be by far the best of the three, and it's the most anticipated for me of course, hope Konami delivers like they always do. I don't know how much it will sell, of course I hope it does well. Dissidia looks good, and I don't really know much about ToH.

The war begins.

Also, it looks like something else can be added to the pile of games released today: Hudson's Joysound, their retail/Wiiware game.

The aftermath should be enteraining.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

I don't care who wins haha that's a great release week in japan. If your Japanese and a gamer... you win then.

well the idea of the final fantasy game is cool and would liek to play it on a CONSOLE the Tales game gets my vote of best out of the 3. Not saying most sales, but best. I don't see how playing a fighting game (i imagine its like brawl or something?) on a handheld can be fun, too small of buttons, crunched fingers and what not.

ii don't know what the other one of the top 3 is

In Japan, the best selling fighter-type game on a handheld (according to VGC) is Jump Ultimate Stars (DS), with .75m.

Now, I doubt Dissidia will get that high, just pointing it out. It will probably at least double the sales of Tales of Hearts, though.