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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony wants to raise prices!

goddog said:
El Duderino said:
SamuelRSmith said:
El Duderino said:

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."


 Ergh, if only that was the case, then everything would be for the greater good. Unfortunatly, we live in a world where if the 49% are loud or rich enough, they can take the rights from the 51%


Agreed... expecially since we U.S. Americans have a glorious system in which someone like Gore can get more that 50% of all votes and yet lose the election... also I believe democracy means everyone has the right to do what they want when they want as long as they are not disrupting the rights of others... when the hell did we forget about that ???

so you dont believe in states rights either?

also neither candidate in the 00 election got more than 50% of the vote. 

as to your second part, well when we decided we needed protection from ourselves.... personally i feel its a retarded idea, but there is no political party for me... social liberal, fiscal conservative,  I also firmly believe in the separation of church and state 


to OP very sorry for derailing your thread 



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Kasz216 said:
goddog said:
El Duderino said:
SamuelRSmith said:
El Duderino said:

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."


 Ergh, if only that was the case, then everything would be for the greater good. Unfortunatly, we live in a world where if the 49% are loud or rich enough, they can take the rights from the 51%


Agreed... expecially since we U.S. Americans have a glorious system in which someone like Gore can get more that 50% of all votes and yet lose the election... also I believe democracy means everyone has the right to do what they want when they want as long as they are not disrupting the rights of others... when the hell did we forget about that ???

so you dont believe in states rights either?

also neither candidate in the 00 election got more than 50% of the vote. 

as to your second part, well when we decided we needed protection from ourselves.... personally i feel its a retarded idea, but there is no political party for me... social liberal, fiscal conservative,  I also firmly believe in the separation of church and state 


to OP very sorry for derailing your thread 



sadly that party is a horrid mess of bad ideas, and poor implimentation..... the toy guns for kids program should have been flagged as a bad idea for that party, the media strung them out to dry on it 


come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

goddog said:
Kasz216 said:
goddog said:
El Duderino said:
SamuelRSmith said:
El Duderino said:

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."


 Ergh, if only that was the case, then everything would be for the greater good. Unfortunatly, we live in a world where if the 49% are loud or rich enough, they can take the rights from the 51%


Agreed... expecially since we U.S. Americans have a glorious system in which someone like Gore can get more that 50% of all votes and yet lose the election... also I believe democracy means everyone has the right to do what they want when they want as long as they are not disrupting the rights of others... when the hell did we forget about that ???

so you dont believe in states rights either?

also neither candidate in the 00 election got more than 50% of the vote. 

as to your second part, well when we decided we needed protection from ourselves.... personally i feel its a retarded idea, but there is no political party for me... social liberal, fiscal conservative,  I also firmly believe in the separation of church and state 


to OP very sorry for derailing your thread 



sadly that party is a horrid mess of bad ideas, and poor implimentation..... the toy guns for kids program should have been flagged as a bad idea for that party, the media strung them out to dry on it 


It's not like they were real guns....


Kasz216 said:
goddog said:
Kasz216 said:
goddog said:
El Duderino said:
SamuelRSmith said:
El Duderino said:

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."


 Ergh, if only that was the case, then everything would be for the greater good. Unfortunatly, we live in a world where if the 49% are loud or rich enough, they can take the rights from the 51%


Agreed... expecially since we U.S. Americans have a glorious system in which someone like Gore can get more that 50% of all votes and yet lose the election... also I believe democracy means everyone has the right to do what they want when they want as long as they are not disrupting the rights of others... when the hell did we forget about that ???

so you dont believe in states rights either?

also neither candidate in the 00 election got more than 50% of the vote. 

as to your second part, well when we decided we needed protection from ourselves.... personally i feel its a retarded idea, but there is no political party for me... social liberal, fiscal conservative,  I also firmly believe in the separation of church and state 


to OP very sorry for derailing your thread 



sadly that party is a horrid mess of bad ideas, and poor implimentation..... the toy guns for kids program should have been flagged as a bad idea for that party, the media strung them out to dry on it 


It's not like they were real guns....



very true, but public opinion is against that..... its just something you cant do, and maintain a viable party

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog