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Forums - Sony Discussion - Picking up a Blu-ray player at a great price? Thank the PS3.

I will never pay $10-$20 more to have a Blu-Ray movie over DVD.

360 will outsell PS3 YTD for 2008. (CHECK!)
360 will have the best showing at E3 & TGS in 2009
2009 will be another year for the 360 over PS3
End OF 2009 SALES :: 360 - 40M;  PS3 - 30M; Wii - 70M

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dougsdad0629 said:

1 thing I think some people have failed to realize is that Sony is about more than games.  There have been many questions about whether or not it was a good idea (gaming-wise) to include a Blu-ray drive in every PS3.  That's a debate for countless other threads and NOT what this thread is about.

I think few people realize the real reason that the Blu-ray drive was included...ECONOMY OF SCALE.  By including a Blu-ray drive in each and every PS3 sold, Sony was able to drastically reduce the cost of the drives much faster than if only "stand-alone" Blu-ray players had been sold up until now.  Without the PS3, there is no way you'd be seeing Blu-ray players at even sub-$500 levels let alone the sub-$200 levels we're already seeing leading up the the holidays.

Sony is a multi-faceted company.  Gaming is not all they do.  The royalties they (and other companies of the BDA) stand to gain from Blu-ray hardware and software is arguably much more than they stand to lose in their gaming division.  It is highly likely that Sony (they're not stupid despite what you might think) knew that the PS3 would perform nowhere near PS2 levels, but they didn't care.  They were looking at the bigger picture.  I hope you'll do the same.

For those of you who will surely try to interject, "Blu-ray is dead/dying", I'll direct you to a column from someone who know quite a bit more about the subject than you or I.

I agree with you. Do you know how many companies/brands have invested in Blu Ray?


Lol. How is the blu-ray in PS3 at a great price? Here at the PS3 is £300 while a very good Sony blu-ray is £159.99. What do you think a person that wants blu-ray will be buying? At launch I'll admit the PS3 was very nicely priced at £425 for a blu-ray but now price have come thundering down.

End of '08 predictions (made by theprof00): PS3: 20m, 360: 23.5m, wii: 42m

Now Playin':  PS3|Resistance 2, LBP, Uncharted and Fifa 09, PSP| Ratchet and Clank: Size matters, 360| Gears of war 2 and Fallout 3.

Has anyone gotten the Magnavox Blu-Ray player? I am wondering how good it is.

Has this not been done to death.

I thought we all agreed quoting Blu Ray adoption rates by comparing selective movie sales with DVD is a waste of time.

You can only compare the top new releases. This inevitably skews heavily in favour of the new format as

1. The new format can usually offer an enhanced experience which is shown off best with top new action heavy films hence the new formats owners are logically drawn to them.

2. You have just invested in a new format and you are restricted in what you can buy.

Do you buy Iron Man or your favourite 1980's comedy series.....Oh wait you dont have a choice as niche products wont be produced until they become commericially viable.

Its not comparing apples with apples and even the boys in the industry must realise its a shabby compromise.

Still its all we got !

Blu Ray isnt dying but its certainly not sitting pretty either.

It will take the industry, to willingly kill off DVD, to really move the numbers, and this they will not do.

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Cypher1980 said:
Has this not been done to death.

I thought we all agreed quoting Blu Ray adoption rates by comparing selective movie sales with DVD is a waste of time.

You can only compare the top new releases. This inevitably skews heavily in favour of the new format as

1. The new format can usually offer an enhanced experience which is shown off best with top new action heavy films hence the new formats owners are logically drawn to them.

2. You have just invested in a new format and you are restricted in what you can buy.

Do you buy Iron Man or your favourite 1980's comedy series.....Oh wait you dont have a choice as niche products wont be produced until they become commericially viable.

Its not comparing apples with apples and even the boys in the industry must realise its a shabby compromise.

Still its all we got !

Blu Ray isnt dying but its certainly not sitting pretty either.

It will take the industry, to willingly kill off DVD, to really move the numbers, and this they will not do.

Or you can compare it vs past generations using percentage of the market as it relates to total discs.

IE DVD vs VHS vs BR vs DVD.

In which case... BR doesn't come out favorably.   Which is what i was comparing.

However i do agree.  The Industry is going to have to kill of DVD... and with times as they are they just don't have the force of will to do it and risk the losses.


I'm not really sure what the point of this thread is, since even the OP agrees blu-ray won't be as big as dvd. I don't think anyone seriously thinks blu-ray is going to die in the next year or 2. I think super-laserdisc is a good analogy.

Blu-Ray at first was not better, the surface to read it was too delicate, so it had to use a protection, then TDK came up with the hard coating polymer and suddendly, Blu-Ray was a viable format...

Let me show you why BR is better than HD-DVD:

1. Space, and don't tell me this is not important, for those of us who saw the Betamax-VHS war back in the 80's, will agree that Betamax had better quality, but lacked the space that had the VHS... Now Blu-Ray has 10 GB more for storage space in a single layer, so that's good...

2. The Maximum bitrate on all areas is better on Blu-Ray, providing better video and audio quality.

Now, HD-DVD is mandatory region-free, and that's better, but it's not like Blu-Ray has the DVD restrictions, Blu-Ray has 3 areas with optional region-free and as of this date 71% of all discs released are region free...

As of DRM, is the same for both, of course Blu-Ray adds 2 more, but nothing that affects legitimate users (like EA's DRM)...

Now on other subject, it's true that the PS3 is not the cheapest standalone Blu-Ray player anymore, but it's still the cheapest multimedia system overall: (Blu-Ray, DVD, CD, Digital Streaming, connection with PC and standard Hard Drive/USB connection for most formats of video and audio files), so it's still the best deal overall, but those that only care about blu-ray can buy now cheaper standalone players...

ultimate_123 said:
Lol. How is the blu-ray in PS3 at a great price? Here at the PS3 is £300 while a very good Sony blu-ray is £159.99. What do you think a person that wants blu-ray will be buying? At launch I'll admit the PS3 was very nicely priced at £425 for a blu-ray but now price have come thundering down.


 You misunderstand the thread.  This is about the economy of scale of including a Blu-ray drive in every PS3 leading to driving down the price of standalone players to the sub-$200 level we're seeing today.  It's not about the value for the dollar of buying a PS3.

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

So the point of this thread is the ps3 reduced the cost of players overall? That's not a shocker.