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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Next gen war: Microsoft could blaze a trail to victory. Lessons by Nintendo

Squilliam, you sir should win the award for topics that really are incredibly pointless.

Are you writing a fantasy novel? A sweeping epic of MS and their magical ability to harness their R&D magic skills to control and overwhelm the masses with their magical powers.

DUDE, what are you talking about? Ok ok, Name me 1, just 1 new technological (or even software) innovation from MS that has been truly revolutionary, popular and a big success.

What's not Included - Vista (pack in and everyones forced at gunpoint to buy the thing, oh and its shit)
- XBOX 360 (its a videogame system, not revolutionary)
- Zune (you know why, don't start)
- software (messenger, email, browsers, etc have all been improved on by competitors)

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

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Could only read halfway through. Alot of nonsense. I agree with nothing, other than MS is going to try to mimic Nintendo.

All right I just read the whole thing

Squilliam, you just suggested that they would "win the console war" by turning their console into a PC.

Sony's been moving in that direction since the PS1. The 360 and PS3 are the most powerful and literal iterations of this idea so far.

They are also getting curb-stomped by what might as well be a dedicated gaming machine.

Yeh I'm not sure why you think Microsoft would do this.. I mean yeah they have a lot of talent but look at their products..

Also as I mentioned.. Anyone could do these things and i like your ideas but not next gen.. maybe one or two after..


I also find very little in that to agree with

You seem to be painting MS as a company famous for taking risks with emerging technologies? Wow, I could not disagree with you more

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megaman79 said:
Squilliam, you sir should win the award for topics that really are incredibly pointless.

Are you writing a fantasy novel? A sweeping epic of MS and their magical ability to harness their R&D magic skills to control and overwhelm the masses with their magical powers.

DUDE, what are you talking about? Ok ok, Name me 1, just 1 new technological (or even software) innovation from MS that has been truly revolutionary, popular and a big success.

What's not Included - Vista (pack in and everyones forced at gunpoint to buy the thing, oh and its shit)
- XBOX 360 (its a videogame system, not revolutionary)
- Zune (you know why, don't start)
- software (messenger, email, browsers, etc have all been improved on by competitors)

Windows XP says hi!


SpartanFX said:

actually if sony is smart,next xbox can become like original XBOX.

sony should launch PS4 within 6 months after 720's launch at $399 &$299 price point ,(due to low cost of cell and bluray by then,,,,since we already know they will stick to similar;ar architecture) .Keeping similar architecture also means that Sony already has the tools to develop their games so no more time is gonna be wasted for developing engines,,,they can refine/enhance their existing game engines . due to that reason Sony can pump out software on regular basis at launch,,, not like PS3's launch (for the first 6-9months).

all this is my opinion ,and it depends on how smart sony acts next gen.

^^Agreed. Also-

"and if they win they will never lose again"- I'm sure people said the same about Nintendo and Sony.



Next xbox will use blu-ray (unless they decide to use outdated DVD again), so with every Xbox and games on blu-ray sold, Sony will be making money. And we all know that if both are released at the same time with same price then PS will simply kill Xbox like it did kill Dreamcast.

lol... the OP is funny... do you obviously think that thye only company that have learnt anything from this gen is MS? Nintendo became a leading brand in the gaming industry, becoming a huge corpopration. Their IPs are well known at this point, and lets face it there will allways be a bigger audiance for Mario then for Master Chief...

Sony on the other hand still has many aces left in their sleeves. Blu-ray is en-route to become the next DVD, their biggest hardware pushing IPs are still far away and the price of their console is still way to high... next gen could go in sooo many directions ;)

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

The future is very much downloading games. We have also seen cost and ease of development are king; in this regard MS very much has the upper hand using p.c architecture.

Also there is a very real chance BR will fail. Have you seen seen how poor sales are for the BR format overall ? Sonys strategy was stick it in the ps3, ps3 sells ps2 sort of numbers you have a huge base of 100 million br players.

Thats not going to happen, therefore theirwhole strategy is flawed.