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Forums - Sony Discussion - Anyone else find it disturbing that COD5(PS3) outsold R2 in NA?

Madanial said:
I gotta said i hardly know anything about R1/2 ,i saw it in magazines ,read some information from internet.But it just not hooked me.

About COD ,i play this game since COD1.

So i gotta say i know all about COD much more than R1&2.

Then if i gotta choose only 1 FPS game ,then i'll choose COD5.

And maybe story about World war's more easily to understand than Alien invasion.

This's opinion from normal consumer.



I'll take killzone 2 over any ps3 shooter. feb come dammit!

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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I've only played the single player campaigns from both games, but I must say, I think World at War has a much better campaign.

The things that people seem to like about the R2 campaign are really kinda like, well...wallpaper.

It reminds me alot of Prey. It's a really good game, with a nice gimmick, but it really isn't anything we haven't seen before.

The famous "sense of scale" is nothing more than wallpaper that you can't affect. These amazing vistas will be in the backgrounds of levels, but they aren't interactive. They are just background. The levels themselves are kinda closed off, surprisingly, and there is a lot of "hallway" gameplay.

Seems like the "cool Rachet guns in a realistic game" thing was alright, but new guns don't really make a game significantly better, imo.

Now, on the other hand, WaW is basically CoD4 with WWII and Japanese. It's not quite as good as CoD4, but it shines enough gameplay from the game, that it manages to be a fun and immersive shooting experience, which is, in my mind, no doubt a step up from the antiquated gameplay in R2, which was gussied up by cool backgrounds, and non-interactive environments.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Like people said, CoD has been out way longer and it's much much more popular. It's really not surprising at all. Both games are completely different - R2 is a good game, but I wouldn't really consider it as a "must-have" for all FPS fans.

Now about R2's scale, I was actually abit dissapointed. Throughout most of the game, I kept waiting for the "big battles" to come. And there was one when you get to level where you fight the 3 Stalkers but besides that, I really didn't get that feeling of being in a "massive war for humanity's survival". The CoD series does that stuff much better. It was even based on a real war for humanity's survival, if you consider the fact that world domination was on Hitler's list. When it comes to scale, all R2 really had was big monsters. Even then, those boss battles weren't that impressive. It is cool seeing those huge things with such nice detail and graphics, but the actual fights themselves are pretty repetetive in terms of what you have to do to actually kill them. What they lacked was scripted sequences. I expected alot more destruction and amazing things to happen when I go upto them. I thought that chimera "dinosaur" thing (near the end of the game) looked pretty amazing but, the battle against it felt so weak and half-assed. It could've involved breaking off huge chunks of the house you hide in, ramming into it, etcetc. Instead, it just patiently waits outside circling around. After that battle, I was really only trying to finish the game just to see what happens at the end.

The multiplayer is where R2 shines, but it's still completely different from CoD. R2 has more of a run'n'gun feeling, where CoD is alot more about precision. Still though, different types of FPS fans will enjoy both.

PSN: Parasitic_Link

Aiemond said:
Where is all this "bad marketing" coming from? I don't understand this. I have been seeing tons of commercials for this game. And they are good commercials too.

Huh? I don't know what's going on elsewhere, but in North America, Sony's advertising campaign is b3yond terrible.

I'm 33 years old, and I'm a college football junkie. I watch action/dramas occasionally (ABC's Life on Mars, FOX's 24), I watch college football AND NFL football virtually every single day (ABC, FOX, ESPN), and I have an 8 year old son, so I get a healthy dose of Nick and Cartoon Network. Simply put, I AM the coveted demographic -- 20-30s male with gainful employment and lots of disposable income, and I am watching all the channels that the coveted demographic is allegedly watching, and I'm seeing the commercials.

I'll say it again, Sony's advertising campaign is b3yond terrible.

In the past two months, I have seen ONE LittleBigPlanet commercial. ONE. This might be the best game this gen; it's certainly the best original IP/exclusive on the PS3. I've seen ONE LBP commercial ... in two months. I have never seen an R2 commercial. Now, I have seen several of the "make your list/reflections" commercials, and I must say those are abyssmal. If I didn't already own LBP, I wouldn't know what the sackboy reflection was supposed to be. If I hadn't bought a Ratchet and Clank game on my PS2 five years ago, I wouldn't know the Ratchet reflection either. Those commercials are stupid -- worse even than the crying baby and black-ooze commercials from the PS3's launch.

As an aside, I have seen the Gears of War 2 commercial many, many times. I know from the commercial exactly what the game is about, what it looks like, which system it's for, and the commercials make me want to go out and buy Gears, and a 360 to play it on.

Sorry. Sony's NA marketing is awful, and it's been awful through the entirety of the PS3's lifetime. The launch commercials were dumb, and the whole marketing campaign has gotten dumber since.

Let me add, also, that I'm seeing most, if not all, of the multiplatform releases are pimped with a 360 logo at their conclusion, and not the PS branded logo. I've seen COD:WaW and Fallout 3 commercials many, many times. Both imply that they're 360 exclusives, even though they aren't, by the "available on XBox 360" outro.

Dryden said:
Aiemond said:
Where is all this "bad marketing" coming from? I don't understand this. I have been seeing tons of commercials for this game. And they are good commercials too.

Huh? I don't know what's going on elsewhere, but in North America, Sony's advertising campaign is b3yond terrible.

I'm 33 years old, and I'm a college football junkie. I watch action/dramas occasionally (ABC's Life on Mars, FOX's 24), I watch college football AND NFL football virtually every single day (ABC, FOX, ESPN), and I have an 8 year old son, so I get a healthy dose of Nick and Cartoon Network. Simply put, I AM the coveted demographic -- 20-30s male with gainful employment and lots of disposable income, and I am watching all the channels that the coveted demographic is allegedly watching, and I'm seeing the commercials.

I'll say it again, Sony's advertising campaign is b3yond terrible.

In the past two months, I have seen ONE LittleBigPlanet commercial. ONE. This might be the best game this gen; it's certainly the best original IP/exclusive on the PS3. I've seen ONE LBP commercial ... in two months. I have never seen an R2 commercial. Now, I have seen several of the "make your list/reflections" commercials, and I must say those are abyssmal. If I didn't already own LBP, I wouldn't know what the sackboy reflection was supposed to be. If I hadn't bought a Ratchet and Clank game on my PS2 five years ago, I wouldn't know the Ratchet reflection either. Those commercials are stupid -- worse even than the crying baby and black-ooze commercials from the PS3's launch.

As an aside, I have seen the Gears of War 2 commercial many, many times. I know from the commercial exactly what the game is about, what it looks like, which system it's for, and the commercials make me want to go out and buy Gears, and a 360 to play it on.

Sorry. Sony's NA marketing is awful, and it's been awful through the entirety of the PS3's lifetime. The launch commercials were dumb, and the whole marketing campaign has gotten dumber since.

Let me add, also, that I'm seeing most, if not all, of the multiplatform releases are pimped with a 360 logo at their conclusion, and not the PS branded logo. I've seen COD:WaW and Fallout 3 commercials many, many times. Both imply that they're 360 exclusives, even though they aren't, by the "available on XBox 360" outro.


Im in NA and the same demographic (minus the disposable income). I have not seen LBP commercials, but we are talking about the R2 ones. I have seen tons of these things. I watch mostly during the week though.

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