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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Reporting Someone for Piracy

I stand by my premise about not doing anything about it, because if he is advertising either he is ignorant enough (in this case reporting it is just mean), stupid enough (which will be messy for you) or smart enough (if he knows loopholes and knows a good lawyer then he goes free and chances are that you get screwed for nothing)... Now, if you still want to make a move i suggest to do it wisely, check with everyone that knows this stuff to see how you can shut down his business without him going to jail and you getting screwed in the processs...

Just 3 basic things one has to know about this:

Modding a console in every form: Not illegal, just loses its warranty and the company that makes them is not responsible of anything that happens to it...

Teaching: Not illegal (it could be about shooting someone or making crystal meth, as long as the process is not made while teaching, is still not illegal)

Copying and distributing software: Illegal, but with too many loopholes that a good lawyer can use...

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The Anarchyz said:
I stand by my premise about not doing anything about it, because if he is advertising either he is ignorant enough (in this case reporting it is just mean), stupid enough (which will be messy for you) or smart enough (if he knows loopholes and knows a good lawyer then he goes free and chances are that you get screwed for nothing)... Now, if you still want to make a move i suggest to do it wisely, check with everyone that knows this stuff to see how you can shut down his business without him going to jail and you getting screwed in the processs...

Just 3 basic things one has to know about this:

Modding a console in every form: Not illegal, just loses its warranty and the company that makes them is not responsible of anything that happens to it...

Teaching: Not illegal (it could be about shooting someone or making crystal meth, as long as the process is not made while teaching, is still not illegal)

Copying and distributing software: Illegal, but with too many loopholes that a good lawyer can use...

There are legal issues with modding consoles (in the modchip sense), but the actual act of modding the console is not an issue. However, 2 places which are an issue are A) Circumventing "DRM" is illegal in most cases under the DMCA (this isn't a copyright issue though) and B) a large amount of mods, especially in the early stages, are based on the original firmware and hence are infringing on copyright.


As a person that owns an R4 to carry backups of my games (Carrying 15 or so games on trips overseas is not fun) and to watch video files, I'm going to say no to the snitching for modding part.

BUT if you must (if you feel compelled to), report the selling of illegal software to Microsoft.

Please read this guys telling me not to report him,

Key Phrase: The complaint also alleged that Altmeyer was advertising on Craigslist and offering to modify the Xbox and other game consoles so that they could play illegal copies of other video games.

"If you don't like me, bite me!"

ssj12 said:
MrBubbles said:
i saw someone advertising in the local newspaper that they do mods


that can either mean hacking software on personal consoles (not illegal)

or this


both are a form of modding


 OH god I want that!!!

without the RROD LOL!

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself

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"Under the proposed agreement, Altmeyer is barred from ever selling Gears of War 2 again, or any modified Xbox console. He also agreed to turn over any modified game consoles or any parts capable of circumventing copyright restrictions, issue a public apology, pay Epic an undisclosed sum and help Epic identify others violating copyright restrictions, the agreement says."

That's a good settlement right there, when the sum is undisclosed in this cases it means it's insignificant enough to be a joke, or significant enough to form a precedent, but in this case i go with the first because they got the business shut down, the guy has to do an apology and help them identify more... It seems like he was a big fish...

My question for you: Is the guy you're talking about a big fish???

The Anarchyz said:
"Under the proposed agreement, Altmeyer is barred from ever selling Gears of War 2 again, or any modified Xbox console. He also agreed to turn over any modified game consoles or any parts capable of circumventing copyright restrictions, issue a public apology, pay Epic an undisclosed sum and help Epic identify others violating copyright restrictions, the agreement says."

That's a good settlement right there, when the sum is undisclosed in this cases it means it's insignificant enough to be a joke, or significant enough to form a precedent, but in this case i go with the first because they got the business shut down, the guy has to do an apology and help them identify more... It seems like he was a big fish...

My question for you: Is the guy you're talking about a big fish???

I have no idea how big the guy's operation is as I do not know anything about him other than he has advertisements charging money for his "services".


"If you don't like me, bite me!"

madkiller said:

Hey guys, does anyone know the best way to report someone for making money modding Xbox consoles and pirating the games. This douchebag posted an advertisement on my college campus saying that he can mod Xbox consoles for $50 and burn games for you or even show you how to do it. I took the advertisement and would like to report him to all the appropriate places since I can't stand people that mod and use bogus copies of games. I have a huge game collection for 360, PS3 and PC and every one of them are legitimate...


Microsoft and any Publishers and Developers for games mentioned in the ad, but Microsoft first and foremost. Epic just nailed a guy to a cross for this, selling their games burned, and then Microsoft started their own on him because he was also modding 360s.

I own all three current consoles and a great gaming rig, now thats out of the way.

This space Reserved for the Nuggets of Wisdom dropped by Bladeforce:

"Why post something like this when all it will get is PS3 owners blinded to reality replying? BOTH THE PS3 AND BLUE-RAY WILL NOT LAST 3 YEARS! TECHNOLOGY CHANGED TOO FAST!"

"is it Wii FIt that has sold as many as PS3's sold? Thats a LOL Look at the total sales of software is it just me that sees Nintendo titles hitting 10m+ and you say they arent making a difference? Another LOL!"

"Hell, with all the negative hype Sony spin, people just aren't interested cost is too high and to get the true HD experience (1080p, 7.1 surround) you will need a $1000+ system. THAT IS GOING TO DO IT IN A RECESSION! PS4 will not happen"

bbsin said:

I'm tired of this crap. I dislike idea of bootlegging as much as anyone but you don't have to snitch the guy out. Everyone has pirated one thing or another in their lives.

If there's one thing I dislike more than bootleggers, it gotta be rats that would go to extremes to snitch someone out.

Piracy is piracy, everyone that has a computer does it. You're essentially screwing one guy over to protect a major corporation. Unless you are actually invested or work for the company, I'd say just leave it alone. It's just my opinion, but I sure as heck wouldn't want to be reported for all the stuff I've downloaded "illegally" on my PC throughout my life.

As far as this guy is concered, someone will eventually catch him if he continues to advertise anything "modding lessons" or illegal distribution.

 My sentiments exactly....that fact that your goin to this extreme to find a way to snitch is disturbing in itself......just let it go man

madkiller said:
The Anarchyz said:
"Under the proposed agreement, Altmeyer is barred from ever selling Gears of War 2 again, or any modified Xbox console. He also agreed to turn over any modified game consoles or any parts capable of circumventing copyright restrictions, issue a public apology, pay Epic an undisclosed sum and help Epic identify others violating copyright restrictions, the agreement says."

That's a good settlement right there, when the sum is undisclosed in this cases it means it's insignificant enough to be a joke, or significant enough to form a precedent, but in this case i go with the first because they got the business shut down, the guy has to do an apology and help them identify more... It seems like he was a big fish...

My question for you: Is the guy you're talking about a big fish???

I have no idea how big the guy's operation is as I do not know anything about him other than he has advertisements charging money for his "services".


You make him sound like a hooker

Now seriously, it's cool that you are trying to stop gaming piracy, but if he is just a guy doing some things to pay for college and doesn't represent a big threat, it's not worth it (i'm not excusing him, i'm just saying that one has to pick his battles, especially since most of the world has done some copyright infrigement on anything), now, if he's doing serious business and represents a bigger threat, then it's different...

I still suggest that you stay out of this, because either way he's advertising himself, and that means that he has now real chances to get caught, and whatever happens to him, is not on you...