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Forums - Sales Discussion - National Retail Foundation 2008 Most Wanted Gifts For Boys and Girls

2008 Top Toys for Girls               

1. Barbie
2. Disney Hannah Montana
3. Dolls (generic)
4. Bratz
5. Nintendo Wii
6. Video Games

7. Elmo
8. Disney High School Musical
9. Disney Princess
10. American Girl

2008 Top Toys for Boys            

1. Video Games
2. Nintendo Wii

4. Cars (generic)
5. Transformers
6. Elmo
7. Star Wars
8. Hot Wheels
9. Remote Controlled Vehicles
10. Xbox 360

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Ah, this supports my "Nintendo will dominate Christmas even harder than last year" theory. Thank you kind sir. The female market kinda doubles Nintendo's potential userbase, and Nintendo's stranglehold on the female demographic (and the old people demographic, and the family demographic, and the kidz) will make Nintendo's lead huge. Even if Nintendo only gets 49% of the traditional 13-25 year old male market, they'll have 70-100% of every other market.

God help us all.

So Wii will be supply-limited. But we knew that.

I just hope it translates into increased software sales, particularly towards the "core, high-quality" titles.

The link cites a massive sample size - nearly 9,000 people.

You can predict presidential elections usually with a good poll of only ~700 people based on how this year's pollsters did.

They claim a margin of error of 1% which is quite phenominal if even close to true.


Probably the most encouraging bit for Nintendo is the girls though as they tend to have greater loyalty to products they like.

If they sell, say 2.5m Wiis in December there could easily be 1m+ new girls within that which would be quite impressive.

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

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How old are the children in question?


The result for past years are interesting too, in 2006 the PS3 was in both the Girls and Boys top 10 but in 2007 it was gone and the Wii entered in its place and this years the Wii is still there but even higher than last years for both group.


PS: The margin of error is 2%, it's worded in a weird way though.

Persons without argument hide behind their opinion

It tends to be wii60 this year indeed.

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

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9,000? Good god.

While it improves reliability, i would harken backt to last year when Mike B posted a thread about this where the PS3 won out in a number of "wants". (In i think an online poll) and didn't come through.

Though, it does seem quite likely wii will come through.