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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is there a chance the PS3 WON'T hit 20m this year?

kylohk said:
It's very unlikely. Xmas boosts for non leading consoles aren't that big.


 instead of talking out of your ass in favor of your console why dont you go look at last years sales. Ps3 sold 3mil from black friday - end of year. thats a huge boost

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i think it will 2007 it worse year without games sold 2.8 million, this year will make it.
sales already started raising and it doesn't it will be over 19.5 million

No. At this point, it's unlikely. I'd say it'll be between 19.4-19.9, but not quite 20m.

Which is a small miracle given what it was selling earlier in the year. The Arcade pricing really knocked the wind outta the PS3's sails.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

i hope not i predicted 21 mil by the end of year and right now its lookin like im goin to be wrong by a decent amount

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December sales probably will be lower than expected. I predict 19.2 m PS3 by Dec. 31st 2008.

mrstickball said:
No. At this point, it's unlikely. I'd say it'll be between 19.4-19.9, but not quite 20m.

Which is a small miracle given what it was selling earlier in the year. The Arcade pricing really knocked the wind outta the PS3's sails.


I don't even think the PS3 will get that. I say somewhere about 18.5M. This is going to be a rough Christmas, especially for Sony.

Max King of the Wild said:

We have to wait till week of black friday numbers to see where the console stands... even then we should wait for shipment numbers... remember last year? ioi severly undertracked the ps3 during the holidays (more than 500k if i remember correctly. every 360 fan was claiming holiday victory until the adjustments put the ps3 in front) During regular periods the consoles should have about 900k - 1.1 million difference in shipment to sales. Before the holidays it should have about 1.3 - 1.5 million difference and after holidays it should have 500k - 700k difference



Seriously, this year PS3 isn't in the same position as last year.

leo-j said:
Its possible, I think it might get to it

Off topic:

Wow soriku is very immature, ctk's sig is outstanding. If he cant walk next to a girl, then idk wtf is wrong with him


Well, it'll certainly be close. PS3 sold about 2.5 million last year [with the last week of November], right?


Off Topic:


Well, it's true. A lot of guys go through that and doubly so for teenagers. It's not as weird as it sounds, really.

The BuShA owns all!

atma998 said:
Max King of the Wild said:

We have to wait till week of black friday numbers to see where the console stands... even then we should wait for shipment numbers... remember last year? ioi severly undertracked the ps3 during the holidays (more than 500k if i remember correctly. every 360 fan was claiming holiday victory until the adjustments put the ps3 in front) During regular periods the consoles should have about 900k - 1.1 million difference in shipment to sales. Before the holidays it should have about 1.3 - 1.5 million difference and after holidays it should have 500k - 700k difference



Seriously, this year PS3 isn't in the same position as last year.


 Do you ever get tired of trolling the Ps3?

We have to wait till black friday numbers because that's when the boosts really kick off and we'll see how far away the Ps3 is then. DUH!