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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do thirdparties dislike Nintendo?

@Million: Look, OkeyDokey said CoD is the best-selling shooter and oyvoyvoyv corrected him that Duck Hunt is.
Whether Duck Hunt had or hadn't sold in big numbers, CoD would still have sold the same as it did.

As for the topic relevance, the topic is about do 3rd parties dislike Wii and Duck Hunt is a first party game.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

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bdbdbd said:
Well, i think there's a number of things that contribute to the Wii "dislike".
A lot of the developers actually want to make graphically more intensive games that the Wii is capable of.
A number of devs want to make money with their engine investment, so even when you could make more money with a Wii game, they still choose to go PS360, so that the engine investments wouldn't be count as loss.
PS3 and 360 still has bigger combined userbase that the Wii has. And cheap ports/unified developement cuts down costs per version.
Well made sequels to popular games sell well on all platforms.
If you are able to create a new IP that is quality made and loved by public, it will sell huge on PS360 (think about Gears of War).
Bad game is easier to hide behind flashy visuals.
PS360 userbase is heavily geared towards certain genres, which makes flashy games in the genre easy to sell.
The publishers/devs still don't know what kind of games to make for Wii.



Add to it that the decision makers are notoriously risk aversive.  For HD systems, you release yet another sequel with better graphics you get $$$ (minus costs $$ leaving $).  If you release that same game on Wii (CoDWaW) everyone feels it's the poor cousin and won't buy it.  But if you release a party game ($) you make money ($$).   That's the rut we're in.

Would other types of games sell on Wii?  Wii Fit is a great example of this.  But 3rd parties and not into experimenting.  I give THQ credit for trying, but I think De Blob and Dangerous Creatures miss the mark.   Ubisoft should have a hit with Shawn White though and I think Sega's appeal to 30+ gamers and Ubisoft's appealing to girls will both prove profitable.

One big problem for Wii is people want a vertual experience on Wii, like Wii Sports.  They want to feel like they are in the game physically.  That's why all those poor 'Wii sports type' games sell.  That's why Tiger Woods and GH sell best on Wii.  That's why I think Shawn White will be big (over time).  But the Wiimote hasn't actually been up to the task mostly.   It's going to be very interesting to see what developer's do with the WM+.  Red Steel 2 and a real Star Wars game with lightsaber action (think Jedi Dark Forces on Wii) could prove to be every bit as huge as CoD on HD  (if done right).



LOL isnt it obvious? Too bad Ninty get the better of them. Just wait till 2009 now we will see the real effect of "disruption". Its you're one of us or you dont, theres no other option just read my sig.

end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

That third parties are in competition with each other is pretty reflexive for most people. That they are in competition with first parties may be slightly less intuitive, but it is just as (if not even more) true.

Generally, for generations, third parties have been what ultimately decided console wars. They carried the Playstation to victory over the N64, they propped the Playstation 2 over the Xbox and Gamecube...and now?

And now.

Third parties are trying to compete with Nintendo in niches that Nintendo are creating as they go along. They're failing. Third party support for the system is good, for people who see the Wii as an opportunity to innovate and reach new audiences, but third parties who want to compete with Nintendo are seeing for the first time that Nintendo can not only curb-stomp all of them put together, but that they (third parties) are quickly becoming irrelevant in establishing who wins the console race.

And when one company can decide who wins the race (as Nintendo has), one company is able to put a stranglehold on the industry. Thrid parties that put all their efforts behind the 360 and PS3 are essentially having their potential userbases and their potential money kicked out from under them by Nintendo. I can understand why they'd be pissed, in that respect.

But... dislike? No. Nothing so personal. Cognitive dissonance from betting on the wrong horse and a slight feeling of powerlessness is probably closer.

Khuutra said:
That third parties are in competition with each other is pretty reflexive for most people. That they are in competition with first parties may be slightly less intuitive, but it is just as (if not even more) true.

Generally, for generations, third parties have been what ultimately decided console wars. They carried the Playstation to victory over the N64, they propped the Playstation 2 over the Xbox and Gamecube...and now?

And now.

Third parties are trying to compete with Nintendo in niches that Nintendo are creating as they go along. They're failing. Third party support for the system is good, for people who see the Wii as an opportunity to innovate and reach new audiences, but third parties who want to compete with Nintendo are seeing for the first time that Nintendo can not only curb-stomp all of them put together, but that they (third parties) are quickly becoming irrelevant in establishing who wins the console race.

And when one company can decide who wins the race (as Nintendo has), one company is able to put a stranglehold on the industry. Thrid parties that put all their efforts behind the 360 and PS3 are essentially having their potential userbases and their potential money kicked out from under them by Nintendo. I can understand why they'd be pissed, in that respect.

But... dislike? No. Nothing so personal. Cognitive dissonance from betting on the wrong horse and a slight feeling of powerlessness is probably closer.

Yeah.  Seriously.  It's pretty funny.  Nintendo decided to tackle every genre ever (and improve them with new controls on either the DS or the Wii), and they invented several new ones at once, immediately giving themselves the most diverse gaming library, which is what wins every console war.  Normally it takes an army of 3rd parties several years to do that, and you get some new genres like Guitar Hero and stuff, but now Nintendo's inventing (and re-inventing) everything and everybody else is playing catch-up.  At some point a couple years ago, Nintendo got some sort of magic crystal that let them never make another mistake, and it also let them see the future.  I'm having a hard time coming up with another possible theory.

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@Gamerace: Yeah, Star Wars game with lightsaber action supporting WM+ would be a day one purchase for me.

@Khuutra: I disagree on the "trying" part. They're not really even trying.
The problem here is "betting the safe", so the decision makers aren't putting the effort to the bigger budget innovative title, which is the opposite that Nintendo does. If 3rd parties started to innovate and market in similar fashion with Guitar Hero, they'd really be seeing results. Of course, there are few innovative title, but mostly they can be found from WiiWare, which limits the potential audience.

3rd parties also isn't a single instance, so they compete against each other just as well.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Khuutra said:
That third parties are in competition with each other is pretty reflexive for most people. That they are in competition with first parties may be slightly less intuitive, but it is just as (if not even more) true.

Generally, for generations, third parties have been what ultimately decided console wars. They carried the Playstation to victory over the N64, they propped the Playstation 2 over the Xbox and Gamecube...and now?

And now.

Third parties are trying to compete with Nintendo in niches that Nintendo are creating as they go along. They're failing. Third party support for the system is good, for people who see the Wii as an opportunity to innovate and reach new audiences, but third parties who want to compete with Nintendo are seeing for the first time that Nintendo can not only curb-stomp all of them put together, but that they (third parties) are quickly becoming irrelevant in establishing who wins the console race.

And when one company can decide who wins the race (as Nintendo has), one company is able to put a stranglehold on the industry. Thrid parties that put all their efforts behind the 360 and PS3 are essentially having their potential userbases and their potential money kicked out from under them by Nintendo. I can understand why they'd be pissed, in that respect.

But... dislike? No. Nothing so personal. Cognitive dissonance from betting on the wrong horse and a slight feeling of powerlessness is probably closer.

Yeah.  Seriously.  It's pretty funny.  Nintendo decided to tackle every genre ever (and improve them with new controls on either the DS or the Wii), and they invented several new ones at once, immediately giving themselves the most diverse gaming library, which is what wins every console war.  Normally it takes an army of 3rd parties several years to do that, and you get some new genres like Guitar Hero and stuff, but now Nintendo's inventing (and re-inventing) everything and everybody else is playing catch-up.  At some point a couple years ago, Nintendo got some sort of magic crystal that let them never make another mistake, and it also let them see the future.  I'm having a hard time coming up with another possible theory.

Rubang that´s a great theory, I hope it will last always, even if I myself are not into the "Wii series" that much I´m grateful for those games because it brought Nintendo back on top AND has also managed to expand the market. Hopefully these new "casual" gamers are also gonna get intrested in Nintendo´s classic titles like Zelda, Mario , Metroid, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart etc. As long as Nintendo continue making games as totally awesome as Super Mario Galaxy i´m happy.

But it would be nice to see thirdparties come on board with full support also, just sayin. I think you could say that it would  be nice for them also


The question is not, "Do third parties hate the Wii?" The real question is, "does Nintendo hate third parties?"

Microsoft: Create a system with the needs of third party developers held in highest regard.

Nintendo: Create a system to fit the needs of Nintendo and let third parties fit in around that.

I wonder if a lot of the issues surrounding the controls/ports onto the Wii were caused by Nintendo themselves not releasing some of the tools they use internally to create Wii games for other developers to use.

And the specifications of the Wii are designed exactly how Nintendo wants them, they don't need high performance for their games. Third parties can take a flying leap for all they care, if EA had asked for more ram you know where Nintendo would have told them to stick it.


@Squiliam: If you really want to go with the argument of "creating a system for 3rd parties", then we would never have a new system.
In the end, Nintendo is the only one of the three that designs their system for the developer needs.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Squilliam said:
The question is not, "Do third parties hate the Wii?" The real question is, "does Nintendo hate third parties?"

Microsoft: Create a system with the needs of third party developers held in highest regard.

Nintendo: Create a system to fit the needs of Nintendo and let third parties fit in around that.

I wonder if a lot of the issues surrounding the controls/ports onto the Wii were caused by Nintendo themselves not releasing some of the tools they use internally to create Wii games for other developers to use.

And the specifications of the Wii are designed exactly how Nintendo wants them, they don't need high performance for their games. Third parties can take a flying leap for all they care, if EA had asked for more ram you know where Nintendo would have told them to stick it.

Hahaha, so you think it's a Nintendo conspiracy to hold 3rd parties back so they can keep all the profit to themselves?

Pray tell, my good sir, why would Nintendo want to shit on all the 3rd parties if they plan on lasting more than one generation in this industry?

You don't think there's a middle-ground between "making a sytem for yourself and refusing to release necessary devtools to 3rd parties so you can intentionally hold them back" (your argument) and "buying 3rd parties and paying them by the tens of millions for exclusive content" (what Microsoft does)???  You don't think it's possible to "make an innovative system and games and allow 3rd parties to make good games if they feel like it" ?

You'd rather believe that Nintendo is that evil and diabolical than believe that that many other companies make such bad and stupid business decisions?


bdbdbd said:
@Squiliam: If you really want to go with the argument of "creating a system for 3rd parties", then we would never have a new system.
In the end, Nintendo is the only one of the three that designs their system for the developer needs.

Yeah, if creating a system with the cheapest devkits and cheapest devcosts and most unique controls (so they can really try new stuff if they want to, but don't have to because traditional controls are still an option) isn't designing a system with the developers' needs in mind, I really have no idea what is.  Unless of course, the developers' needs is big bags with dollar signs on them for exclusive games and timed exclusives and exclusive DLC.