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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do thirdparties dislike Nintendo?

Well, i think there's a number of things that contribute to the Wii "dislike".
A lot of the developers actually want to make graphically more intensive games that the Wii is capable of.
A number of devs want to make money with their engine investment, so even when you could make more money with a Wii game, they still choose to go PS360, so that the engine investments wouldn't be count as loss.
PS3 and 360 still has bigger combined userbase that the Wii has. And cheap ports/unified developement cuts down costs per version.
Well made sequels to popular games sell well on all platforms.
If you are able to create a new IP that is quality made and loved by public, it will sell huge on PS360 (think about Gears of War).
Bad game is easier to hide behind flashy visuals.
PS360 userbase is heavily geared towards certain genres, which makes flashy games in the genre easy to sell.
The publishers/devs still don't know what kind of games to make for Wii.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

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Rubang: I have no need to buy several games per month either, I´m quite a picky gamer and don´t have the money to do so anyway, right now I´m very happy with the qualitygames that are on the Wii, besides the classics on  VC are worth more than anything. But still one can´t help but wonder...

Soulsamurai: Yes I´m well aware that there are a big part of "casual gamers" on Wii but since the hardwaresales are getting so huge I think that there certainly should be a big platform for major traditional titles on it, games like Resident Evil and Street Fighter would sell faster than you could say hello.

But this is not my biggest concern since I´m a nintyfan and am really content with just thier games, if not anything else really worth getting would arise. Also Nintendo seems to be able to win this generation without thirdparties, so in a way I guess you could say that thirdparties could end up losing a lot if not supporting Wii.

I honestly don't think its quality that is the problem, COD: WAW is a quality title for the system and i think they did a good job using what little resources the system has compared to the other two. As i said before i think it's the user base. De Blob also from what i hear is a really great title, yet once again it's not doing well. The copies that do sell i think are a large part of the actual userbase that do game, after that, you have a bunch that arn't really there for anything other then wii sport type applications.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Maybe because mostly gamers that own Wii now're gamers from Blue Ocean strategy.And developers analysis that it'll take sometimes for those gamers to turn into hardcore.Between that they trying to learn and get use to Wii by lower their risk and not try to make high-budget exclusive games for Wii.

Instead start with multi-port or low budget game'll be better.I believe that within 1-2 years many game that suit to hardcore gamers will be made for Wii.

And now i think we saw many good sign from many games that come recently.There're more polished ,better graphic and control compare to years ago.

@Soulsamurai: I wouldn't go with the CoD train just yet. People have been talking about it being short in supply and in any case, it may show some legs. We'll see that early next year. Secondly the game is missing some features that should be granted in Wii games, that the PS360 version has, namely splitscreen multiplayer.
Of course, it propably isn't going to sell the PS360 numbers, but the sales should be decent at least.

The comment about userbase was somewhat stupid, since the userbase you are suggesting, possibly haven't played games earlier because of the lack of games that interest them. Not that they would play less games by nature.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

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I don't think third parties really know what to do with Nintendo yet. For many companies, so far the (admittedly very successful) answer to the DS is often ports of older RPGs and Imagine™ shovelware titles. However, I think the overall quality of the third party lineup for DS is much stronger than the Wii's.

On that end, I think a lot of game publishers right now are flummoxed because games for the Wii really should not be anything like games for the PS3 or 360, and for the last few generations, game developers have never actually faced a situation where the experience of one console is vastly different from its competitors. Wii's biggest strength is in its controls, and if you're attempting to put a game on all three systems, you're not going to utilize that strength to the best of your abilities because that will not translate to the Playstation or Xbox version.

If you take a game and build it from concept to publishing only for the Wii and really put a lot of thought and care into how you can best utilize the waggle controls, you'll end up with a much stronger title. Boom Blox is a great example of that. Clearly, that game would have been zero fun at all if released on the 360 or PS3, but on the Wii, it's like virtual Jenga, only better.

Eventually, I think game developers will come to the point where they realize they have to completely separate their Wii and PS/360 development, and the Wii lineup will be considerably better for it.

LEFT 4 DEAD - November 17th

--OkeyDokey-- said:

Just look at World at War sales. The sequel to the highest selling shooter of all time and it can't even break 100k on Wii while it's HD counterparts move multiple millions in the same time frame.

While I agree with what you say, I just have to state that Duck Hunt is a shooter, and has sold almost 30M, so it still is the best shooter of all time.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS


I'm not really sure what your point is , how much would Duck Hunter sell if it was released today ?.

@Million: He was only pointing out, that Duck Hunt is the best-selling shooter. Which makes it pretty irrelevant how much it would sell today.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

@ bdbd Whatever , I was thrown off by the fact that it's not relevant to the thread.