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Rubang: I have no need to buy several games per month either, I´m quite a picky gamer and don´t have the money to do so anyway, right now I´m very happy with the qualitygames that are on the Wii, besides the classics on  VC are worth more than anything. But still one can´t help but wonder...

Soulsamurai: Yes I´m well aware that there are a big part of "casual gamers" on Wii but since the hardwaresales are getting so huge I think that there certainly should be a big platform for major traditional titles on it, games like Resident Evil and Street Fighter would sell faster than you could say hello.

But this is not my biggest concern since I´m a nintyfan and am really content with just thier games, if not anything else really worth getting would arise. Also Nintendo seems to be able to win this generation without thirdparties, so in a way I guess you could say that thirdparties could end up losing a lot if not supporting Wii.