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Forums - General Discussion - how come people buy dvd and blu ray?

i go to theater to watch a movie and them im done

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I guess your not much of a movie buff then and some movies require multiple viewings. Also watching a movie on a disc is better you don't have to worry about crowd noise you don't have to buy overpriced concessions. Also with a disc you can pause the movie in case you are interrupted if you don't get a line you can turn on the captions. Best of all you can watch it whenever you want in the privacy of you home.

If I like a movie I would like to watch it anytime that I want outside the theater, like at home or on the go with a laptop or Portable DVD player.

4 ≈ One

I'm a pretty big fan of buying movies ...

Right now you can walk into most large retailers and they will have a massive selection of $5 or $10 movies (and Blockbuster also carries a large selection of inexpensive used movies), which is an excellent price to pay for a movie you liked but isn't one of your favourite movies. Most of these movies end up being watched a couple of times and (possibly) lent to people a couple of times which easily justifies the initial purchase.

Are you serious? Are you opposed to watching any movies made before you were born?

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My reason: because your movie library is your friends movie library and vice versa.

If I buy a movie I can watch it and recommend it to my friends and then they can borrow it and watch it too. They can do the same for me. So amongst a group of people if you think about it the price you pay for your dvd is for everyone you know to watch it too.

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan

Moongoddess256 said:

My reason: because your movie library is your friends movie library and vice versa.

If I buy a movie I can watch it and recommend it to my friends and then they can borrow it and watch it too. They can do the same for me. So amongst a group of people if you think about it the price you pay for your dvd is for everyone you know to watch it too.

This is a big factor, indeed.  I enjoy having a library of films that I value, so that when someone says "I've never seen x movie," I can say "well, we can fix that right now!"  The experience of sharing something that you consider to be great with others is always an interesting one.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Are you serious? Are you opposed to watching any movies made before you were born?

Couldn't you just... rent that movie.   Or be even cheaper and take it out of the library.

I never buy movies for the same reason i never buy CDs.

If i can listen or watch them anytime i want I invariably don't watch them.

It's like Shawshank redepmption.

I've had that movie... god knows how many years.  Never watched it on DVD.


Watched it like 3 times on USA since then.  Never on DVD.

Same thing with music.  I never want to listen to a song from a CD i have unless i hear it on the radio.

Or it's a band that is never played on the radio.



My reason is that I can't seem to find a theater that has about 600 movies playing from all over the world from the whole last century, because that's how many I have at home and can watch at any time, and the majority of them are better than the trash in theaters during any given week. I'd rather watch a free movie on Hulu or Google Video (old stuff in the public domain) than pay to see a new one.

@Kasz, huh, I only have that problem with video games. The more games I get the less I want to play them. But I watch my favorite movies and listen to my favorite albums all the time. I know exactly what you're talking about though.

Personally, I hate the theaters.

There's always some little kid being loud.
The floors are always disgusting.
The theater is always too cold.
There's always someone who doesn't turn their phone off.
There are always movies talkers.
And the list goes on.

With a DVD/BluRay I can control the environment and don't have to deal with any of those.