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Forums - General Discussion - Who has the best signature on Vgchartz?

I vote for mine.

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I like Machina's with the GTAIV clip of the guy getting hit by a car.


Did... Soriku really say that?

Your sig is no match for Satoko!!

Hmh...The one who has that crazy lady with crazy eyes..
Or that pro who has about 30 mini pics on it, and first one is lady with dancing boobs...



Take my love, take my land..

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--OkeyDokey-- said:
Did... Soriku really say that?



Yeah lol why wouldn't he?

Mine is pretty good, I made it myself.


Machina's is the only one i can think of right now, i don't really pay that much attention to sigs. I'll come back later and give a second opinion.

ctk495 said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
Did... Soriku really say that?



Yeah lol why wouldn't he?

Link? o_o

Yeah, I want a link too.
