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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Objective and factual look at Cell in PS3 and it's REAL capablities.

Xen said:
Here's, however, one you can't argue about - and claimed by many... Killzone 2 is already the best looking console game yet.

While Epic said the 360 is peaking with GoW2, the PS3 with better graphics, and presumably less power, is already showing that assumption as false. I'll consider it false up until the day something as good or better si released on the 360.

A company says their own game is the best looking game on the console and will stay that way.

Wow they MUST be telling the truth.


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Two things which are hard to deny:

1. The PS3 costs twice as much as the XBO360, was released a year later, positioned as the new milestone in videogaming but isn´t really superior in the gaming department.

The big PS3 exclusives might have a little edge over the once of the XBOX360 but only because they were build and optimized from scratch for it. Considering the development time and the budget it would be a shame if Killzone 2 wouldn´t look any better.

The Future however - as Square recently stated - is multiplatform. Sony isn´t in the position any more more to force developers to really digg into the complex system architecture and get the most out of it. Also they don´t want to pay for exclusives afaik. Considering the comparatively bad sales of R2 and LBG it´s predictable that there won´t be to many PS3 only developments in this range (budget and hype wise) any more.

2. Sony tends to go a little over the top marketing wise. Do you still remember all the fuzz about the allmighty emotion engine?

It´s not that the PS3 is a bad system in any way. It´s a really nice one and has a lot of cool features. But it is hard to deny that it´s not as revolutionary and powerful as Sony told us.

man, thread number 31521 about it but its so completely senseless.
it's like comparing microwaves functions, in the end they heat my food all in approx 1 minute and BOTH microwaves do the same job, it's senseless to say microwave 1 does better. you could say this bout a microwave 8 years older ( ===> Wii ),
but comparing the 2 brand newest microwaves doesnt make sense unless you just want to have something to bash.

i hope you get the microwave - console sense, its deep philosphy

Another good thread Selnor,I really didn`t know that.

Also,I think the 360 CPU hasn`t been taped yet,it`s only using 1 core (still,a powerfull 3,2ghz 128 bit core) and MS is working with the developers so that core 2 can be online and program the code in the multytask way. Great for the 360,but don`t have a link to prove it.

Also,ask Squilliam about the tessalator program that frees memory and helps the 2 cores be more efficient when programing a game for the 360. Good stuff. I like this because developers can use this at almost no cost,the 360 is like a pc and they are pc programmers,so it`s all good.

Keep up the good work,Selnor!

no need for all of this .. all the compares shows that the 360 is the more powerful machine .. also sony fans forget some clear facts like most if not all of the games on ps3 run at 720p but all 360 games run at 1080p even if its upscaled but its still 1080p so no need to discuss this with sony fans because they will NEVER accept this TRUTH.

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Xen said:
Shadowblind said:
Xen said:
Here's however, one you can't argue about - and claimed by many... Killzone 2 is already the best looking console game yet.

While Epic said the 360 is peaking with GoW2, the PS3 with better graphics, and presumably less power, is already showing that assumption as false. I'll consider it false up until the day something as good or better si released on the 360.

I thought EPIC siad they are peaking with Gears 1? I want a link to the Gears 2 one. Heres #1 mate.


And many have said Gears 2 looks better then Killzone 2, can't be argued, blahblahblah better textures blahblahblah better physics blahblahblah... Really, we've beaten this argument to death multiple times.

In terms of what the Unreal Engine, one of the best graphic engines, can do.


You quote someone who's acknowledges that he is not a "tech guy" to  try and prove a technical point?  Try again.


selnor said:
kutasek said:
Show me better game graphically than killzone 2, than i will approve this tread. Until you do, than i still believe ps3 is slightly above xbox360. If you show me proof i may change my mind. I have to agree thought, ps3 power was way too hyped by sony, but it still a quite powerful.

graphics are subjective to opinion. Figures actually talk.

Graphics are what you can get out graphically. You can always compare processing power of some processors, but it doesn't tell you all or more like it doesn't tell you a thing about what you can do with them. For example newest GPU:s can do more than 2TFLOPS(Thats 2000GFLOPS, doesn't that make PS3 and X360 look pathetic? ;) ) and its way more than any CPU on PC can do. However you might never peak that 2FLOPS in real applications and actually you cannot do everything with GPUs so the real settings are very different.


And for those who didn't understand:

Its like comparing tractor to ferrari and see only how fast they can go. And the point of this comparison is?


And regarding to killzone 2,

This is what you think(hope) it will look like,

This is what you actually get,


And shot from Gear2 just for comparison,

(Yeah, both look like crap and nothing like those bullshots you usually compare.)


That conversation about G2 to peak X360 abilities is also quite funny. I can make you hello world , which would use 100% of X360 or PS3 processing power. Omg, hello world is everything they can do!

I think all of this prooves that, WHO TRIES TO ARGUE is a FAN BOY.

Hugs to everyone loosing time with a f$#@ pointless discussion.


PSN: franco-br
MGS4, GH, MW2, GT5p, WipeoutHD, etc..etc..

NNN2004 said:
no need for all of this .. all the compares shows that the 360 is the more powerful machine .. also sony fans forget some clear facts like most if not all of the games on ps3 run at 720p but all 360 games run at 1080p even if its upscaled but its still 1080p so no need to discuss this with sony fans because they will NEVER accept this TRUTH.


 @Bolded- Not by a Longshot my friend, turns out hes the fanboy due to the facts all his so-called "FACTS" are from back in 2005 to 2006.



Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
NNN2004 said:
no need for all of this .. all the compares shows that the 360 is the more powerful machine .. also sony fans forget some clear facts like most if not all of the games on ps3 run at 720p but all 360 games run at 1080p even if its upscaled but its still 1080p so no need to discuss this with sony fans because they will NEVER accept this TRUTH.


 @Bolded- Not by a Longshot my friend, turns out hes the fanboy due to the facts all his so-called "FACTS" are from back in 2005 to 2006.



this is not old fact .. see

& enjoy ;)