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Two things which are hard to deny:

1. The PS3 costs twice as much as the XBO360, was released a year later, positioned as the new milestone in videogaming but isn´t really superior in the gaming department.

The big PS3 exclusives might have a little edge over the once of the XBOX360 but only because they were build and optimized from scratch for it. Considering the development time and the budget it would be a shame if Killzone 2 wouldn´t look any better.

The Future however - as Square recently stated - is multiplatform. Sony isn´t in the position any more more to force developers to really digg into the complex system architecture and get the most out of it. Also they don´t want to pay for exclusives afaik. Considering the comparatively bad sales of R2 and LBG it´s predictable that there won´t be to many PS3 only developments in this range (budget and hype wise) any more.

2. Sony tends to go a little over the top marketing wise. Do you still remember all the fuzz about the allmighty emotion engine?

It´s not that the PS3 is a bad system in any way. It´s a really nice one and has a lot of cool features. But it is hard to deny that it´s not as revolutionary and powerful as Sony told us.