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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Objective and factual look at Cell in PS3 and it's REAL capablities.

Here's my take, minus the tech speak:

Forget about the arguing, much of the information presented by the topic creator IS correct. Trust me on this (or not, up to you...but I can assure you those who choose to disagree on the basis that they believe the PS3 is markedly superior are kidding themselves), both machines are closely matched and there is NO GAME we have seen on either platform that couldn't look as good on the other. The PS3, purely from a numbers perspective is perceived to be a little stronger but these extra resources are mostly reserved for other functions. This has been common knowledge for a long time but the fanboys (and Sony for that matter) like to gloss it over. With this in mind there is a compelling argument that the 360 can pump a little extra performance out over the PS3, but the games themselves are nearly always what people remember and Sony's machine is certainly right there showing us some of the prettiest games this gen. The race is still very open.

Also guys, just before you go declaring a winner based on the games we are seeing right at this's worth noting that this talk of pushing the consoles to their limits with games like Gears 2 is just that: talk. Neither console has been pushed all that hard yet.

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I shouldn't have read all of that. in the end it all felt unimportant. My ps3 will is able to play MGS4 and Uncharted, and Will be able to play RE5, Killzone2, and Heavy Rain... SO I really don't care that much :S..

4 ≈ One

nice. so the 360 runs at 100% efficiency while the ps3 runs at 75%.

Griffin said:
Don't you ever get tired of trolling.

Over 2,800 posts indicate that you don't.

On topic: Good post. Good to know at least someone here is looking for proper information as opposed to just following what other people have said and taking it as facts (not just the PS3 fanboys that do it here either).



I dont care what these "So-Called" facts state.

Killzone 2, heavy Rain and Uncharted says HI! thats all the proof i need no words only action.

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Before I read the Graphics card section, did you take into account the main core on the Cell, from what I read you were telling us the processing power of the SPE's only and not the main core.

Also, your RAM article is extremely old, and Sony has lowered the RAM requirements of the OS drastically since the time of it being posted, and therefore your entire post is wrong.


It seems all of your sources are extremely old. Also, it is my understanding that the RSX is based on the Geforece 7800 not the 6800.

Username2324 said:
Before I read the Graphics card section, did you take into account the main core on the Cell, from what I read you were telling us the processing power of the SPE's only and not the main core.

Also, your RAM article is extremely old, and Sony has lowered the RAM requirements of the OS drastically since the time of it being posted, and therefore your entire post is wrong.


@Bolded- I was gonna post the latest article about that, but the 360 fanboys on here would most likely go into a flame frenzy so... :P

darconi said:
Griffin said:
Don't you ever get tired of trolling.


He posted a valid thread with links supporting it. Your statement is much more trolling than his. Either refute it or don't enter the thread?

All of his links are from 2006, some being posted before the PS3 was even released.

This was back in the 1.80 update, freeing 12MB of video memory, and 4MB of RAM.

I will search for any further drops in OS usage.

Saiyar said:

So the cell doesn't have a PPE, the 360 CPU runs at 100% efficiency and Sony haven't updated the PS3 OS since launch? Oh wait...

Exactly. All of his info is really old. I would like to have seen this with new info.

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