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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Objective and factual look at Cell in PS3 and it's REAL capablities.

the problem is that since both have different styles for both the cpu and gpu, the conditions under which things are preformed by nature will benefit one or the other.

going for the max vertex or max shaders will benefit 360, but making them both even will benefit the ps3. dont even get me started on the cpu's.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.

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selnor said:
@ Griffin.

This post is put together to enlighten people amongst the countless times Fanboys spout figures they dont understand. Yes there is opinion in my post to, but that shows I am human.

If you want to argue with IBM call them. Are fanboys actually calling IBM liars???

Keep the post up just edit it some of it.  Does the entire first pargraph need to be in capitols.  Do you need to include the line about people lost on "Sony land". "the ps3's so called Cell advantage".

"I could be wrong, but isn't 240.0 GFLOPS higher than 228.8 GFLOPS??"  There is no need for this line, and the 3 question marks puts this as a troll line. 

"I have shown actual evidence and provided easy to follow logic. I'm sorry MikeB and co but you cant argue with fact."  The first sentence implies that Sony fans are stupid at best.  Then you call out a memeber in the next line, followed by a blanket statement against a vast amount of users. 

 And i have not read the post since i know nothing about tech, but i have skimmed over it and its the same stuff that has been floating around for almost two years now in graphs and other posts.  The cell is better in some stuff while the 360 CPU is better in others.


Magnific0 said:

yawn, show me the POWER OF THE EXCLUSIVES, then we'll talk, I'll throw a couple for you, 1-year old Uncharted, and (gasp) a beta of Killzone 2, then I'll give you Little Big Planet effects as a side dish, how's that working out for you? full yet? ok, let me throw Resistance 2 running tons of shit on screen without no slowdown, can the deathbox handle that? NOPE.


Well it is a ps3 game why would the xbox 360 run ps3 games, that's just silly.  Frankly your speaking with an opinion, I think Gears 2 is far more impressive than any of those ps3 games, but that won't convince you as you aren't a lump of clay

Frankly I think the 360 could run any of the ps3 exclusive more or less just fine, contrawise the ps3 could run Gears and what not but both produce fantastic looking games


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hsrob said:
@Griffin. So refute the facts presented in his post and don't just feed the troll in him, make him look like a dick.


PS3 Fanboy Tactic #1 - Insult or call OP a troll if faced with facts that contradict PS3 logic

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


masschamber said:
Magnific0 said:

yawn, show me the POWER OF THE EXCLUSIVES, then we'll talk, I'll throw a couple for you, 1-year old Uncharted, and (gasp) a beta of Killzone 2, then I'll give you Little Big Planet effects as a side dish, how's that working out for you? full yet? ok, let me throw Resistance 2 running tons of shit on screen without no slowdown, can the deathbox handle that? NOPE.


Well it is a ps3 game why would the xbox 360 run ps3 games, that's just silly.  Frankly your speaking with an opinion, I think Gears 2 is far more impressive than any of those ps3 games, but that won't convince you as you aren't a lump of clay

Frankly I think the 360 could run any of the ps3 exclusive more or less just fine, contrawise the ps3 could run Gears and what not but both produce fantastic looking games

both of these posts are opinion though... and in my opinion I think Ratchet and Clank Future is better looking than Uncharted or GeoW


Around the Network
Griffin said:
selnor said:
@ Griffin.

This post is put together to enlighten people amongst the countless times Fanboys spout figures they dont understand. Yes there is opinion in my post to, but that shows I am human.

If you want to argue with IBM call them. Are fanboys actually calling IBM liars???

Keep the post up just edit it some of it.  Does the entire first pargraph need to be in capitols.  Do you need to include the line about people lost on "Sony land". "the ps3's so called Cell advantage".

"I could be wrong, but isn't 240.0 GFLOPS higher than 228.8 GFLOPS??"  There is no need for this line, and the 3 question marks puts this as a troll line. 

"I have shown actual evidence and provided easy to follow logic. I'm sorry MikeB and co but you cant argue with fact."  The first sentence implies that Sony fans are stupid at best.  Then you call out a memeber in the next line, followed by a blanket statement against a vast amount of users. 

 And i have not read the post since i know nothing about tech, but i have skimmed over it and its the same stuff that has been floating around for almost two years now in graphs and other posts.  The cell is better in some stuff while the 360 CPU is better in others.


Point taken. OP edited.


gebx said:
hsrob said:
@Griffin. So refute the facts presented in his post and don't just feed the troll in him, make him look like a dick.


PS3 Fanboy Tactic #1 - Insult or call OP a troll if faced with facts that contradict PS3 logic

If that isn't banworthy then I don't know what is.


As in go buy us some coffee.

Show me better game graphically than killzone 2, than i will approve this tread. Until you do, than i still believe ps3 is slightly above xbox360. If you show me proof i may change my mind. I have to agree thought, ps3 power was way too hyped by sony, but it still a quite powerful.

kutasek said:
Show me better game graphically than killzone 2, than i will approve this tread. Until you do, than i still believe ps3 is slightly above xbox360. If you show me proof i may change my mind. I have to agree thought, ps3 power was way too hyped by sony, but it still a quite powerful.


 graphics are subjective to opinion. Figures actually talk.

selnor said:
kutasek said:
Show me better game graphically than killzone 2, than i will approve this tread. Until you do, than i still believe ps3 is slightly above xbox360. If you show me proof i may change my mind. I have to agree thought, ps3 power was way too hyped by sony, but it still a quite powerful.


 graphics are subjective to opinion. Figures actually talk.

Lol, I look at your I know its just personal opinion, but I think gears 2 looks better then anything else I've seen. Just.... amazing....o_0


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.