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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Objective and factual look at Cell in PS3 and it's REAL capablities.


My ps3 is hard working curing cancer and you fell totally to the propaganda of devilsoft!


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Shadowblind said:
 Griffin said:
Don't you ever get tired of trolling.

Would it be trolling if megaman posted the same thing? (Just using you as an example, megaman. Nothing personal.) As for the study, well, it seems legit. But i'm not a tech guy so much as a software guy. And from a software standpoint, PS3 and 360 haven't done anything the other hasn't been able to imitate from a consumer and critic standpoint.


I have no problems with factual data being posted or talked about, but his post is written to just troll, he uses countless words and phrases to just troll and cause bitching on the boards.  If Megaman posted the same nonsense then i would expect the thread to be locked too.  And i've never read a single megaman thread or post so i'm not even sure if he would post something like this.

Griffin said:
Shadowblind said:
 Griffin said:
Don't you ever get tired of trolling.

Would it be trolling if megaman posted the same thing? (Just using you as an example, megaman. Nothing personal.) As for the study, well, it seems legit. But i'm not a tech guy so much as a software guy. And from a software standpoint, PS3 and 360 haven't done anything the other hasn't been able to imitate from a consumer and critic standpoint.


I have no problems with factual data being posted or talked about, but his post is written to just troll, he uses countless words and phrases to just troll and cause bitching on the boards.  If Megaman posted the same nonsense then i would expect the thread to be locked too.  And i've never read a single megaman thread or post so i'm not even sure if he would post something like this.


 Thats fair enough. I can see what you mean about the wording, and yeah, it is pretty one-sided sounding...

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

So the cell doesn't have a PPE, the 360 CPU runs at 100% efficiency and Sony haven't updated the PS3 OS since launch? Oh wait...

@ Griffin.

This post is put together to enlighten people amongst the countless times Fanboys spout figures they dont understand. Yes there is opinion in my post to, but that shows I am human.

If you want to argue with IBM call them. Are fanboys actually calling IBM liars???

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amirnetz said:
Griffin said:
darconi said:
Griffin said:
Don't you ever get tired of trolling.

He posted a valid thread with links supporting it. Your statement is much more trolling than his. Either refute it or don't enter the thread?

A valid thread would of been one with just factual information and not worded in troll style.


A valid thread should have facts, interpetations and opinions. This is a very well articulated post, with lots of new information and is worthy of reading and discussion.


Nothing in his post is new, its the same shit that's been posted for two years now.  And his entire fisrt pargraph is trolling, followed by the next sentence.  Then the last two sentences in the post are trolling/flamebaiting.


yawn, show me the POWER OF THE EXCLUSIVES, then we'll talk, I'll throw a couple for you, 1-year old Uncharted, and (gasp) a beta of Killzone 2, then I'll give you Little Big Planet effects as a side dish, how's that working out for you? full yet? ok, let me throw Resistance 2 running tons of shit on screen without no slowdown, can the deathbox handle that? NOPE.

Shadowblind said:
Xen said:
Here's however, one you can't argue about - and claimed by many... Killzone 2 is already the best looking console game yet.

While Epic said the 360 is peaking with GoW2, the PS3 with better graphics, and presumably less power, is already showing that assumption as false. I'll consider it false up until the day something as good or better si released on the 360.

I thought EPIC siad they are peaking with Gears 1? I want a link to the Gears 2 one. Heres #1 mate.


And many have said Gears 2 looks better then Killzone 2, can't be argued, blahblahblah better textures blahblahblah better physics blahblahblah... Really, we've beaten this argument to death multiple times.

In terms of what the Unreal Engine, one of the best graphic engines, can do.


Xen said:
Shadowblind said:
Xen said:
Here's however, one you can't argue about - and claimed by many... Killzone 2 is already the best looking console game yet.

While Epic said the 360 is peaking with GoW2, the PS3 with better graphics, and presumably less power, is already showing that assumption as false. I'll consider it false up until the day something as good or better si released on the 360.

I thought EPIC siad they are peaking with Gears 1? I want a link to the Gears 2 one. Heres #1 mate.


And many have said Gears 2 looks better then Killzone 2, can't be argued, blahblahblah better textures blahblahblah better physics blahblahblah... Really, we've beaten this argument to death multiple times.

In terms of what the Unreal Engine, one of the best graphic engines, can do.


I'll wait until the Gears of War 3 article that says its pushing the 360 to the max, and if Gears 4 comes out this gen, the same thing. Its hard for me to believe that both gears 1 AND Gears 2 pushed the 360 to limits, seeing as one looks a great deal better then the other.

Odd stuff, I'll tell ya that. 


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

@Griffin. So refute the facts presented in his post and don't just feed the troll in him, make him look like a dick.