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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Objective and factual look at Cell in PS3 and it's REAL capablities.

Again with this.

The ps3 and 360 are almost identical when it comes to graphic. However, it takes more work to on the ps3 than the 360.

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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good read,

whats the big deal even if 360 has reach its peak, i think that by the time sony's ps3 reaches its peak performance the new consoles will be out so i dont give a shtt.


selnor said:
dbot said:

@Selnor - You published this other person's post as your own,  If you are going to troll, you should use your own thoughts.  I don't know if I should respond to you or somehow contact the original poster and tell him my thoughts.


Take a look at the article below.  I don't see the 360's processor on this list.

Game on: NVIDIA, PS3 hardware in Top 500 Supercomputers list

By Jon Stokes | Published: November 18, 2008 - 06:56AM CT

"The really new trend—the one that just recently began and that will only accelerate—is the increasing presence of game-oriented hardware on the list. At the top of the list is IBM's Roadrunner, which first rode the power of the Cell chip to the top spot in June. Roadrunner epitomizes both trends in that it combines a modified version of the processor used in the PlayStation 3 with AMD's Opteron. But the Cell isn't the only coprocessor on the list that has its roots in gaming. "


Point one. You have to be the biggest troll Ive ever seen. How about you try think link in the second word of the OP. I forget, where do I mention I wrote the entire article????? I merely made it less trolly than the original copy.

Your second point. The cell is a strong CPU. You seem to miss the point. When the Cell is inside the PS3 it losses 2 SPE's for game programmers straight away. What the OP is showing is the numbers breakdown of Cell in PS3, not Cell in general. Cell in PS3 is significantly restricted.

How about read and click on links in the OP before trolling.


We may have a different definition of trolling.  I was just pointing out that you completely plagiarized some other person's post.  The problem with creating a thread like this is it really requires some technical understanding which I don't know you have.  Any time you copy and paste a post or original thought you should provide a link to give the originator credit.  Please feel free to provide any evidence of my trolling.

If you read the ars technica article you will see that IBM submitted the cell processor to be included on the list of super computers, they did not submit the 360 chip.  Since IBM created both chips, don't you think they would know which one is more powerful?  If the 360 cpu was more powerful than the cell, why wasn't it submitted as well?

We really don't need any more threads regarding technical comparisons between the PS3 and the 360.  Let the games speak for themselves.


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



Why should the Xbo360 has reached its peak? It´s still the cheapest way to get into HD gaming. The PS3 costs twice as much and doesn´t really offer any advantages in most of the games. A great margin of multiplattform titles is even superior on the Xbox360. So why should it magically stop selling? Just because it´s one year older than the PS3?

CGI-Quality said:
@ Garnett

It goes both ways man, it's not “just PS3 fans” so why are you singling them out. My point is still clear, the exclusives tell the REAL story. There are things that have been done in PS3 exclusives that are not possible on 360, pertaining mostly to physics and animation. None of the 360 exclusives have shown this capability. The 360 specs are incapable of it...period. Does it mean the 360 sucks, no, absolutely not. But PS3 and 360 have different advantages over each other. I just believe, however, that PS3 exclusives show more of an advantage though.


That's a very difficult argument to support with facts.  There have been many games on consoles that were considered impossible a year or two earlier, but which required either digging deeper into the hardware or coming up with creative ways to use the hardware or APIs.  A game like Shadow of the Colossus wasn't considered possible on the PS2 until the developer found a way to make it happen.

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Selnor, I hate every thread you offense.(eg. In yout graphical comparison thread u said that Far Cry 2 looked better than Heavy Rain) You seem to discredit the PS3 in every one and this one is no different. If the Cell is less powerful than the Xbox parts then why is the Cell used in most of the top 500 supercomputers around the world?

onHappySqurriel said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ Happy

Then show me a 360 exclusive with the level of physics dynamics and animation that can compete with Uncharted, MGS4, or Heavenly Sword. Remember, I'm not just talking visuals, even though once again, I don't the 360 has a game that looks quite as good as Ucharted.

I think you missed my point ...

After 1 year on the market the PS2 faced competition from the XBox and Gamecube, and there was obvious visual/AI/Physics improvements (that everyone could see) even though the XBox launched at the same price as the PS2 and the Gamecube was $100 cheaper. In contrast, 1 year after the XBox 360 was released the PS3 came to market at $200 more expensive and there is a reasonable argument that they're not dramatically different in processing power; that they just have different advantages that provide benefits under different circumstances.



main reason the ps3 it's expensive it's due the blu ray drive, not the cpu also all come with a HDD compared to the 360

and they are advange having 50gb than 8.5gb to make games also optional HDD installation possible faster, speeds.

not all xbox360 can install games.

kutasek said:
Show me better game graphically than killzone 2, than i will approve this tread. Until you do, than i still believe ps3 is slightly above xbox360. If you show me proof i may change my mind. I have to agree thought, ps3 power was way too hyped by sony, but it still a quite powerful.

Killzone 2 is not out yet! Keep your post with games which are.


SMcc1887 said:
Selnor, I hate every thread you offense.(eg. In yout graphical comparison thread u said that Far Cry 2 looked better than Heavy Rain) You seem to discredit the PS3 in every one and this one is no different. If the Cell is less powerful than the Xbox parts then why is the Cell used in most of the top 500 supercomputers around the world?

I hate this post... no offense!

Did you even follow the link, or why are you spouting nonsense ?

The cell is used in 3 Systems of the top 100, thats not my definition of most.


I don't want to nitpick but the x360 cpu is based on the power architecture.

In the top 500 there are 60 power systems listed.

I know the chip is not identical, but neither is the cell.

The ps3 cell is not appropiate for supercomputers,

cause it's performance in dp floating point operations is to slow.

So they are using the advanced cell version Powerxcell.


i loled at the article, roadrunner is made of alot of opterons, but every opteroncore got a cell based coprocessor.

I guess even ibm can't do without standard architecture.


Deneidez said:
Staude said:
darconi said:
Griffin said:
Don't you ever get tired of trolling.
He posted a valid thread with links supporting it. Your statement is much more trolling than his. Either refute it or don't enter the thread?

The 360s so called "actual limit" of 115 is actually it's theoretical limit, which then again makes it far less powerful. Furthermore the cell can be optimised a lot more so you can squeeze many more percentages out of it.

... so you know. And in either case, the ps3 is able to handle more things at the same time which also speeds up everything.

The power of brainwash...

CELL can be optimized infinitely! X360 abilities get only lower when it gets old! And THIS IS THE TRUTH!


I'm amazed that you yourself is aware that you've been brainwashed yet don't try to do anything about it.


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