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SMcc1887 said:
Selnor, I hate every thread you offense.(eg. In yout graphical comparison thread u said that Far Cry 2 looked better than Heavy Rain) You seem to discredit the PS3 in every one and this one is no different. If the Cell is less powerful than the Xbox parts then why is the Cell used in most of the top 500 supercomputers around the world?

I hate this post... no offense!

Did you even follow the link, or why are you spouting nonsense ?

The cell is used in 3 Systems of the top 100, thats not my definition of most.


I don't want to nitpick but the x360 cpu is based on the power architecture.

In the top 500 there are 60 power systems listed.

I know the chip is not identical, but neither is the cell.

The ps3 cell is not appropiate for supercomputers,

cause it's performance in dp floating point operations is to slow.

So they are using the advanced cell version Powerxcell.


i loled at the article, roadrunner is made of alot of opterons, but every opteroncore got a cell based coprocessor.

I guess even ibm can't do without standard architecture.