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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Objective and factual look at Cell in PS3 and it's REAL capablities.

The article does seem to forget that while maybe not as powerfull as the xbox 360 cpu the cell does handle multiple threads a lot better than the xbox architecture wich could give it a advantage when games are specifically designed for this architecture.

btw at anyone claiming gears 2 is the pinnacle of 360 capability, it's made with the Unreal 3 engine and I'm not very convinced that it really knows the 360 by hard

How can you possibly misspell QWERTY? It's spelled correctly on the damn keyboard.

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Million said:
@Garnett considering the thread was started by a 360 fan I don't think you are so "rite".

Yes but you dont see thousands of 360 OWNS PS3 Threads going around do you?

Like the PS3 threads..


2 systems that are both pretty. One thing is for sure tho, every PS system has been pushed further and further in graphics noticebly as its life extended. The PS3 is no exception there with games just looking better and better.

Playing and finishing games first>>>>>>>>>>Then talking!

Opinions are subjective and just like moods, can change.

TOP 12: Deus Ex, Shadow Man, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturn, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Metroid Prime, Zelda (series), Uncharted (series), FF Tactics, Persona (series), Demons Souls, Vagrant Story.

MOST WANTED: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last Guardian, ICO/Shadow OTC HD

For the Xbox 360:
The CPU has a theoretical maximum performance of 19.2 GFLOPS. (3 cores x 2 FP units per @3.2GHz)
The GPU has a theoretical maximum performance of 96 GFLOPS. (48 stream processors, each capable of handling a 4-wide FP vector calculation, @500MHz)
The total of the two is 115.2 GFLOPS.

For the Playstation 3:
The CPU has a theoretical maximum performance of 92.8 GFLOPS. (7 SPEs with 4 FP units per, and one PPE with 1 FP unit per, all @3.2GHz)
The GPU has a theoretical maximum performance of 105.6 GFLOPs. (24 pixel shader units with 2 4-wide FP vector units per, @550MHz)
The total of the two is 198.4 GFLOPs.

What about that objective and factual look? UH?

Seriously X360 Xenon 115 GFlOPs 2 times better than a $1500 extreme core duo? Release back in 2005? Fail haha. That guy post a lot of links about PS3 and just say "X360 proven 115 GFLOPs" WTF?






Magnific0 said:

yawn, show me the POWER OF THE EXCLUSIVES, then we'll talk, I'll throw a couple for you, 1-year old Uncharted, and (gasp) a beta of Killzone 2, then I'll give you Little Big Planet effects as a side dish, how's that working out for you? full yet? ok, let me throw Resistance 2 running tons of shit on screen without no slowdown, can the deathbox handle that? NOPE.

 you dont deserve a responce to that lame idea in your head. All I have to say is Gears 2 horde mode.

I had a preaty good idea that the CPU was onpar or atleast close to the cells power with only 7 procesors being used and 1 for the builky OS. The only thing is its hard to know what NXE is using, and if all the patches that PS3 gets bulk it down any. I would asume NXE uses about 2% more power now then the old blade system since not much was added in terms of features while a game is running minus the party system, but with all the patches and extra addons the PS3 gets its probly 5% or more power usage now. The GPU has never been a factor for most true un-fanboy gamers. Of course Microsoft is going to use the nex-gen hardware because they know what software they are devloping for PC's and what is easy to program for. The PS3 on the other had would have to go with what they think would work best for now. In the long run Microsoft kind of controles that field and can always make it work in thier favor.  Seperating the GPU and normal CPU ram was I think the worst mistake Sony made. It is alot more flexibale to make it unified and have the extra ram to throw around is always nice. What I never got is how do 360, and PS3 get away with having such low ram total and still being able to run games as good looking as they do now? My PC could never run most major games without at least 1gig (that free ram not including what my OS is already using). Anyway maybe since ram has plumited in price over the last couple years they could add alot more to the next next-gen systems to help free up some of the loads the CPU has to deal with.

"Leap ignorantly to the defense of wealthy game company’s, who don't know or care about you!"

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darconi said:
Griffin said:
Don't you ever get tired of trolling.


He posted a valid thread with links supporting it. Your statement is much more trolling than his. Either refute it or don't enter the thread?


The 360s so called "actual limit" of 115 is actually it's theoretical limit, which then again makes it far less powerful. Furthermore the cell can be optimised a lot more so you can squeeze many more percentages out of it.

... so you know. And in either case, the ps3 is able to handle more things at the same time which also speeds up everything.

Check out my game about moles ^

Staude said:
darconi said:
Griffin said:
Don't you ever get tired of trolling.
He posted a valid thread with links supporting it. Your statement is much more trolling than his. Either refute it or don't enter the thread?

The 360s so called "actual limit" of 115 is actually it's theoretical limit, which then again makes it far less powerful. Furthermore the cell can be optimised a lot more so you can squeeze many more percentages out of it.

... so you know. And in either case, the ps3 is able to handle more things at the same time which also speeds up everything.

The power of brainwash...

CELL can be optimized infinitely! X360 abilities get only lower when it gets old! And THIS IS THE TRUTH!


One thing is for sure tho, every PS system has been pushed further and further in graphics noticebly as its life extended. The PS3 is no exception there with games just looking better and better.

This goes for any system. Compare Last Gen Games on the snes with the first ones for example.

One thing has to be considered though: Sony isn´t in the same position as it was with the PS1 and the PS2. In the past Sony was the clear, dominating market leader, nowadays it´s only in the third place.

In the days of the PS2 third party developers had the time to dig into the complex system architecture and get the most out of it. Today however the development of games has become more and more complex and cost intensive. To minimize the risks most developers will go multiplatform (or already did). So even if the PS3 might have a edge with bluray and optimized Cell processing, don´t expect to many games to utilize this.
A question I´m really interested in:

Sony always praises the possibilities of bluray, but MGS4 for example is divided into chapters with mandatory installs between them. Wouldn´t it be faster just to change the disc?

Where ist the real advantage of having blueray if the PS3 isn´t able to use it without mandatory installs?

Lostboy said:

One thing is for sure tho, every PS system has been pushed further and further in graphics noticebly as its life extended. The PS3 is no exception there with games just looking better and better.

This goes for any system. Compare Last Gen Games on the snes with the first ones for example.

One thing has to be considered though: Sony isn´t in the same position as it was with the PS1 and the PS2. In the past Sony was the clear, dominating market leader, nowadays it´s only in the third place.

In the days of the PS2 third party developers had the time to dig into the complex system architecture and get the most out of it. Today however the development of games has become more and more complex and cost intensive. To minimize the risks most developers will go multiplatform (or already did). So even if the PS3 might have a edge with bluray and optimized Cell processing, don´t expect to many games to utilize this.
A question I´m really interested in:

Sony always praises the possibilities of bluray, but MGS4 for example is divided into chapters with mandatory installs between them. Wouldn´t it be faster just to change the disc?

Where ist the real advantage of having blueray if the PS3 isn´t able to use it without mandatory installs?

This,KZ2 hopefully will push PS3 and show the real power.


@Selnor - You published this other person's post as your own,  If you are going to troll, you should use your own thoughts.  I don't know if I should respond to you or somehow contact the original poster and tell him my thoughts.


Take a look at the article below.  I don't see the 360's processor on this list.

Game on: NVIDIA, PS3 hardware in Top 500 Supercomputers list

By Jon Stokes | Published: November 18, 2008 - 06:56AM CT

"The really new trend—the one that just recently began and that will only accelerate—is the increasing presence of game-oriented hardware on the list. At the top of the list is IBM's Roadrunner, which first rode the power of the Cell chip to the top spot in June. Roadrunner epitomizes both trends in that it combines a modified version of the processor used in the PlayStation 3 with AMD's Opteron. But the Cell isn't the only coprocessor on the list that has its roots in gaming. "


Thanks for the input, Jeff.