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@Selnor - You published this other person's post as your own,  If you are going to troll, you should use your own thoughts.  I don't know if I should respond to you or somehow contact the original poster and tell him my thoughts.


Take a look at the article below.  I don't see the 360's processor on this list.

Game on: NVIDIA, PS3 hardware in Top 500 Supercomputers list

By Jon Stokes | Published: November 18, 2008 - 06:56AM CT

"The really new trend—the one that just recently began and that will only accelerate—is the increasing presence of game-oriented hardware on the list. At the top of the list is IBM's Roadrunner, which first rode the power of the Cell chip to the top spot in June. Roadrunner epitomizes both trends in that it combines a modified version of the processor used in the PlayStation 3 with AMD's Opteron. But the Cell isn't the only coprocessor on the list that has its roots in gaming. "


Thanks for the input, Jeff.