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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Thoughts on Wii and gaming in general

I suppose it is inevitable, as you get older you start to have tastes that do not match current trends.  This happens in many aspects of life,  like music, movies, food, and of course video games.  I have been a long time gamer.  Since the days I received my first Vic-20, and bought the Omega Race cartridge.  I found comfort in spending hours of my time moving colorless sprites around the screen and blazingly slow speeds.  I continued to upgrade consoles or computers as they came out. I had a C-64 later in grade school, and early high school, playing games like Raid over Moscow.  I then moved on into high school and played games like Super Mario Brothers on the NES. College also saw times between football practices and classes having Tecmo Bowl tournaments.   

After college, a new type of video game started to emerge, the FPS. I know that Wolfenstein, and Doom were actually out before I was done with school, but to me the first FPS was Quake.  That changed how I looked at video games.  Most games I played were FPS starting around this time. I would still play other types of games like Mario 64 at times, but even on the N-64 I found myself playing Golden Eye.  This trend has continued on through today.  I played CODs, and MOH on the PS2, with a bit of Black thrown in.  Even at my elevated age today I still like that genre, evident by my selections of Resistance one and two and COD4.

I guess all that "boring" history brings me to my final point.  I have always played video games to sit down and relax.  If I want to jump around, swing things, or exercise I get out to do these things.  I don't want to do it while playing a game.  If I want to go bowling I head down the street to hit the alley. If I want to exercise, I go to the gym and play basketball, volleyball, or lift some weights.  I don't find fault in others enjoying these types of games, but I just don't understand them, or really enjoy them.  Heck when I was young and you were jumping around in front of the TV you were getting yelled at. This of course, was right after you had walked to and from school uphill both ways in a freezing rain infused hurricane. 

Oh well, I guess I will just sit back and watch my 9 year old jump around and laugh playing her Wii, maybe some day it will grow on me, but I doubt it.




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you could say the same thing about sports games on 360 and ps3. Sports exist in real life, why play any sports game at all? Do you play sports games? I don't and mostly because of this. Just because a game on wii is interactive doesn't make the objective of every game to be physical activity.

Now tell us how you really feel. =P

Your first sentence pretty much sums it up, although it's not the same for everyone.

I like all the consoles but I prefer the Wii. It offers a little bit of everything for me.

I stop reading after the first line it's obvious that the post is about the wii popularity.

Welcome aboard, JS. Its fine and well to feel that way, there are many different types of gamers out there, and different ways to play the games we love.

I think I had the inverted history of yours, having been a hardcore gamer as a kid, playing with every waking hour after I got home from school, from Atari 2600 onward. I only cared to go out in summer, since I had the full day off all summer from school, but the rest of my time was spent beating over 300 NES games. Time passed and I became more of a PC gamer, still hardcore, and eventually sucked away by MMORPGS, playing for days at a time sometimes.

Since my teen years, I always had ideas for games, always thinking of new ways to enhance games, make the ultimate game. The direction the Wii has taken gives many game ideas a possible reality. Boxing games, for example, make sense. Pressing L and R to block or A for an uppercut make little sense compared to actually swinging and using actual boxing technique. Basically, anyone who once drooled for Virtual Reality is now given the chance to enter that world in mainstream gaming a little further.

What does concern me is what all the gamers who do NOT want to get up and move around, like you, will do next generation, as all the consoles will be moving to this option. Your traditional controls will be given a backseat to the new trend in gaming. So, what will happen? Will there be that many gamers who feel betrayed by being forced into motion controls, gamers that will refuse to buy the next generation systems? Do they get an epiphany and then love motion controls, at the sake of being hypocrites? It truly is a double-edged sword.

A side note, regarding the Wii, you don't actually have to be up and moving around. I used to at first, but I've learned that with more of the core games, you don't need to. I sit comfortably on my couch playing games like Zelda, Bully, Metroid.

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uhm ok... why make a thread about an argument against the Wii since before it was released, and really to say that the only games on the system are the ones that make you move is quite silly really... FPS games require little more then you to point the controller at the screen, SSBB with no motion at all (unless you count the smash attacks OPTION that no one uses), or SMG that requires little more then a flick of the wrist and no effort behind it... see I listed some AAA core games there that would fit the description you want.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

Hmm...this thread reminds me of this one: Only difference is it's more polished. The Mr Endiadi returns?

Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

BoleroOfFire said:
Hmm...this thread reminds me of this one: Only difference is it's more polished. The Mr Endiadi returns?

I thought the same thing but I just brushed it off as sheer coincidence.


Personally, I like to feel like I'm actually golfing when I play Tiger Woods and feel like I'm actually aiming a gun when I play a FPS and loved the kinetic feeling of tossing people and clubing them in Godfather (and soon Madword). I'm also looking forward to feeling like I'm actually snowboarding when I play Shawn White on my balance board. It's the immersion factor that I enjoy with the Wii.

But I can understand why some prefer to stick to what they grew up with but as bardiverse notes, this may be the last generation for those types of controls.


jsheedy said:

[Self proclaimed boring history]

I guess all that "boring" history brings me to my final point.  I have always played video games to sit down and relax.  If I want to jump around, swing things, or exercise I get out to do these things.  I don't want to do it while playing a game.  If I want to go bowling I head down the street to hit the alley. If I want to exercise, I go to the gym and play basketball, volleyball, or lift some weights.  I don't find fault in others enjoying these types of games, but I just don't understand them, or really enjoy them.  Heck when I was young and you were jumping around in front of the TV you were getting yelled at. This of course, was right after you had walked to and from school uphill both ways in a freezing rain infused hurricane. 

Oh well, I guess I will just sit back and watch my 9 year old jump around and laugh playing her Wii, maybe some day it will grow on me, but I doubt it.



I don't play many FPSs but they're not really my idea of a relaxing time. In comparison, a nice friendly bowling game on Wii Sports is much more relaxing even if you have a get up when it's your turn.

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