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jsheedy said:

[Self proclaimed boring history]

I guess all that "boring" history brings me to my final point.  I have always played video games to sit down and relax.  If I want to jump around, swing things, or exercise I get out to do these things.  I don't want to do it while playing a game.  If I want to go bowling I head down the street to hit the alley. If I want to exercise, I go to the gym and play basketball, volleyball, or lift some weights.  I don't find fault in others enjoying these types of games, but I just don't understand them, or really enjoy them.  Heck when I was young and you were jumping around in front of the TV you were getting yelled at. This of course, was right after you had walked to and from school uphill both ways in a freezing rain infused hurricane. 

Oh well, I guess I will just sit back and watch my 9 year old jump around and laugh playing her Wii, maybe some day it will grow on me, but I doubt it.



I don't play many FPSs but they're not really my idea of a relaxing time. In comparison, a nice friendly bowling game on Wii Sports is much more relaxing even if you have a get up when it's your turn.

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