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Forums - Sales Discussion - Sony has already passed on a huge price cut to EU/Others (in effect)

Same for Nintendo

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Bloody yen!

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

I don't care.

Just do it Sony Goddammit.

That's not my problem. I'll buy a PS3 when they do a price drop.

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Actually, you're very very wrong. What Sony hasn't done is raise the prices to maintain their profit margins, which have plummeted due to currency rate fluctiations. The euro countries also paid more for their consoles to begin with, even if you take taxes into account.

So, no price cut, but fortunately also no price increase.

tuoyo said:
Same for Nintendo

Yeah, but Nintendo makes still profit because they sell Wii highly overpriced (tech wise)


^^ Yeah Plaupius, that's kind of what he's getting at.

Europe won't be getting a price cut because in effect, Sony has already dramatically cut their revenue from each PS3

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

kowenicki said:

Since the start of the year

Yen v Pound strengthened by 30% - so effectively Sony is earning 30% less revenue per console sold in UK

Yen v Euro strengthened by 25% - so effectively Sony is earning 25% less revenue per console sold in most of Europe

How would you know?

For MS, it might be pretty clear: as a US company, they pay their chinese manufacturer in $ (wholesale), they pay shipment costs etc in $ and sell their XBoxes to Europe in Euro, so they win/lose by $/Euro rate (and they lose _a lot_ on hardware..).

For Sony, things are not clear.  They manufacture some components themselves (Yen?), they pay the manufacturer in ?? (whatever chinese accept from Japanese companies), they ship probably with own ships/containers (Yen? $? Euro?) and sell their PS2/Ps3/PSP in Euro. So you figure out the currencies involved...

KylieDog said:
Sony should take a bigger hit to console revenue losses and just get more hardware in homes, reap it back in through software.

Instead of bringing out consoles with larger hardrives at the same price, keep the same hardrive size but reduce price.


But the thing is...HDDs are cheap, so are preying on how much people don't realize the cost difference between a 40GB and an 80GB or an 80GB and a 160GB, just to make it look more appealing.


What Sony wants the consumer to think: Oh MY! That makes the price tag not look as bad

Sony (behind their backs): *chuckles* Glad they don't realize it cost us $5 to put that HDD in

Real consumer: $500 is $500.....fuck that