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Now how many of these same threads are we gonna open? We don't have problems with our memories.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

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Dodece: Your ignorance astounds me. Japan accounts for just over 13% of this generations global console market. Further more last weeks numbers clearly show that Japan accounted for all of 5% of global console sales. The market in Japan is not even remotely big, and more to the point it is almost entirely irrelevant.

Japan alone has accounted for over 10 million next gen console sales so far of which less than 1 million is for the 360. There are still a good few more years left in this console war and the JPN will buy many more millions of consoles. That is NOT an irrelevent market otherwise Microsoft would bother trying to bring all those JPN RPG's to the 360.


If PS3 is going to catch doesnt it need to do more in America? Thats the biggest market and they are fast falling behind there

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I highly doubt that PS3 will even come close to outselling the Xbox 360 so much in around a year to make up the 6mil+ difference in systems sold to date. A price cut will play a major role in this, but even with a price cut I doubt it will overtake the Xbox 360 in a year even two.

The God of War series sold well, however it did 2-3mil based on the huge user base of the PS2; II sold less than I as well. It will probably sell some consoles, but it is not going to be the game that pushes the PS3 over the Xbox 360. Neither will Killzone 2 or Gran Turismo 5. Many were saying how much Resistance 2 and LBP would do for the PS3 and look what has happened so far. It will take a combination of things for the PS3 to overtake the 360, and it is possible for it to do this; however it is also possible for the 360 to beat it this generation.

@ Stovo
America is biggest market for Wii and Xbox 360 only lol

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lanjiaona said:
@ Stovo
America is biggest market for Wii and Xbox 360 only lol

Yes thats why Sony should do more there

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

After the last 2 gens of total domination i don't think sony is goina drop out of the console race, they are selling a decent amount of consoles still anyway

But Sony are way off target they started this generation saying they would sell 200 million PS3, but they are nowhere near

Help I cant get my trophy card to work.

hardware wise ps3 still winning by a thin margin for 2008. but ppl tend to ignore the fact that in terms of software sales, yes sony is getting crushed and defeated like hell :(

look at the sales of resistance 2 LBP and motorstorm 2. if its consider good, then 360's games are considered "gigantic"

So basically; Sony is doomed again? Like last year and the year before. Come 2009 if/when the PS3 outsells the 360 MS will be doomed again, and so the cycle continues...